Chapter 1 - You can sign the contract, Darcy

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16 years later in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (1994)

Darcy swung her fist, missing a punch and got herself a punch in the guts. She coughed up a little, catching herself before swinging a back kick right into her opponent's face. 

"Ow! Watch it! I was just taking it easy on you" Owen Hart, her partner in crime, said as he got up to his feet. 

"Too bad. I don't feel generous this morning" Darcy said as they both locked up, both striving to get the upper hand. Darcy pushed as hard as she could as Owen matched her energy despite being only a few centimeters taller and almost 60 pounds heavier than her. Still, her strength was no match for him. She was almost as equally as strong as he was.

"That's it. Play time is over. Break it up, you two" Bret Hart walked in, breaking both of them like it was nothing, pushing both of them aside before casually walking to the bench, grabbing a bottle of water. 

"Oh come on! I almost had him" Darcy whined, unsatisfied that Bret, whom she considered as like a big brother to her had just interrupted her moment. 

"Yeah. I would've kicked Little Miss Andre here right in her butt" Owen complained.

"And you know what would be up if you do that, right Owie?" Bret pointed, chuckling at Owen's reaction as he called his pet name from when they were kids. "You guys better get ready. Our flight is in 2 hours. We gotta move" 

Darcy smiled, excited at the thought. She was one step away from her dream. Her dream that she has been working on for her entire life. WCW, here she comes.


Bret chuckled as he looked at Darcy's reaction who was stunned upon looking at the huge building which was the headquarters to the one and only, World Championship Wrestling or better known as WCW in Atlanta, Georgia. He held her hand, leading her to the back entrance where Ted Turner, the CEO of the company, was pacing around while lighting up a cig, awaiting their arrivals. It was a huge risk what they were doing here. 

"Ted" Bret called out, grabbing Ted's attention. Ted immediately dropped his cig, flying his hand over his mouth, attempting to push away the smoke. 

"Follow me" Ted said, escorting them both into the building, careful so no one would see them. Being the boss, he sure had his perks, including having a private hallway that only he could walk through and a lift that makes all the way, directly to his office at the top floor.

Darcy couldn't help but admire the interior of the building. It looks so much better inside, with it's latest technology that Darcy had no idea what they were. 

"Make yourself comfortable, Bret, Miss Johnson" Ted said, taking a seat on his luxurious chair. He fixed his name card on the table which wrote, "Ted Turner, Chairman of WCW" and crossed his hands over the desk. 

Darcy and Bret took a seat across the table, awaiting for Ted to begin.

"Alright, I'll just cut to the chase. I have a show tonight and I'm sorry but I can't stay long. I'll make it short" Ted said, opening the drawers below his desk, taking out some papers. He reached out and took a golden pen that had a golden feather on top. Even from the look at it, Darcy knew it was expensive and that had to be real gold.

"So, Miss Darcy Johnson, am I right?" Ted said, reading through the papers. 

"That's right, Mr. Turner" Darcy nodded.

"So, you're Rocky Johnsons's daughter. But you grew up with The Hart family in Calgary and went through your training there" Ted summarized. "I saw your wrestling tapes and I must say, I'm impressed, Miss Johnson"

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