hongjoong - a pirate at auction

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Hongjoong, the king of the pirates and the captain of the most dangerous pirate crew ATEEZ in the whole seven seas. Him and his crew was known for owning a lot of places and resources from years of travel and claiming.

ATEEZ stopped at a port to get more supplies and repairs done to their ship before they head out to see again, during the time Hongjoong and Seonghwa, his right hand, went out to the town they saw a poster saying there was an auction near by for exquisite things.

"Seonghwa you think it's worth going to see? Maybe they'll have some rare and expensive things there" said Hongjohong as he walked along side Seonghwa, both were in casual clothes with their pirate hats on.

"You know you like collecting things and some of the others are always breaking things so maybe we will find something there.. it'll be worth a try" replied Seonghwa as both of them headed towards the warehouse, they got there and they heard multiple people talking.

"I hope there'll be some weapons and tools they're selling.. we're running low on a few things and I'm kinda sick of the same crappy ones we have now" Hongjoong complained while he and Seonghwa stood and waited for the auction to start.

"I do hope so too, it'll be nice if we could get some new stuff for the crew. Hopefully you'll find something you like" said Seonghwa as they waited, Hongjoong got distracted and started to look around.

He looked at the crowd and saw a girl sitting on the floor while all these men were eyeing her, Hongjoong looked at the girl for a while as she was just on the floor with her head down. He continued to glance at her for a bit then he saw a man grabbing at her hair.

Hongjoong's eyes squinted in anger as he saw the man pull her hair aggressively making her look up but she was still ignoring him. Hongjoong continued to watch as he was just shocked at what the man was doing and why no one was doing anything.

Hongjoong was about to get up and go over there and confront the man but then he saw the girl raise her hand and punch the man in the groin making him let go of her hair. That caught Hongjoong by surprise and impressed him that she stood up for herself but then..

He saw the man grab her hands and twist it and pulled them behind her back as other people just laughed and watched, Hongjoong clenched his fists and was about to go over and teach that disgusting man a lesson but Seonghwa held his shoulder making Hongjoong slightly look at him.

Seonghwa gestured for him to look up on the stage and Hongjoong saw that the auction was about to begin, Hongjoong gave one last glance to the girl and saw how roughly she was being treated and how she looked.. scared.

He felt sick in the stomach for a few seconds then he looked to the stage to see it beginning and decided to listen to whatever expensive things they had on sale, "she can take care of herself" he thought as he tried to focus on the auction and forget about the girl.

"hello ladies and gentlemen we're going to start the auction soon!" The man with beard said as he climbed the stage

Hongjoong and Seonghwa listened to the man introducing the auction. Hongjoong's eyes glance at the girl from time to time before making himself focus back on the auctioneer.

"We have lots of amazing items today, most of them rare and expensive" The man said as he grinned looking at the crowd. "We will start the first auction.. bring in the item!" he said as a few people went backstage to collect the first object.

"But you should be excited cause there's gonna be some rare stuff and some new faces today" the auctioneer continued to talk cheerfully while Hongjoong and Seonghwa just waiting for the start of the auction impatiently

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