yeosang - killer

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You were spending the night at your best friend's house. He was showering, and he told you to find some of his clothes to wear since you didn't bring any. the decision to have a sleepover was last minute.

In his closet, there was a glimmer.

My eyes nearly popped out of my socket at the sight of dried blood on the knife

Your best friend called out from the bathroom "Found my clothes yet? If not, I can give you something when I get out~"

You heard the water shut off, you felt your heart thump in your chest. the sound of the shower water abruptly stopped as your best friend spoke again "Hey, I'm stepping out now. Got any clothes yet?"

I quickly put the stuff back so that he don't suspect anything as I sat on bed with a shaky breath

"Then you better turn around." your best friend replied, a towel draped around his waist as he exited the bathroom.

"O-ok i am turned"

He walked over to his closet, bending over in front of you just as he began digging through his clothes. "Why you look so damn nervous..?" he asked, looking at you from the corner of his eye.

My heart nearly stopped at this i quickly shook my head vigorously
"N-no I'm fine"

"..If you say so." he stated, pulling out a black muscle tank and some basketball shorts from his closet. After dropping the towel, he began to get dressed.

"Here. You can have these, it'll be better than nothing." his back was to you as he spoke, sliding his shorts on followed by the muscle tank.

He turned to look at you, his hair damp as it stuck to his forehead. "You look so damn nervous... You sure you're fine? You don't look fine to me, dude."

I gulped my saliva
"I-i- am fine sang don't worry i really am"

"No... You're not." he stepped closer to the bed, tilting his head as he looked down at you. "You look scared like a cat that was spooked in the middle of the night, dude. Now, tell me what's up. You're never like this."

"n-no just worried for my semester exams"

"Bullshit. I know when you're lying to me." he sat beside you on the bed, grabbing your wrists forcefully before pinning them down on either side of you. "...I thought you said we were best friends? I thought you trusted me?"

I was scared now what shall I even tell him?that I found Fucking glimmer in your closet covered with blood?

"You're shaking even worse than before.. You gotta be hiding something.." he got closer, his face so close to yours you could feel his breath fan across your skin. "...But I know a way to loosen your tongue."

He leaned down to your neck, his lips hovering millimeters above your skin. "...Are you scared of me?" he teased, his breath warm against your ear. His hands slowly left your wrists, sliding down your arms and moving to your hipbones.

I pushed him off and stood up abruptly
"I-i- have to go home"

"Hey, hey.." he quickly reached and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards the bed as he pinned you underneath him. "'re not going anywhere. Not until I find out what you're hiding from me, dude."

"I have to go i remember i have to submit an assignment tommorow it's important i still have to work on it"

He rolled his eyes at your words, his grip on your wrist tightening a bit. "Bullshit. You think I don't know your daily schedule by now? You had all day to work on it. But you didn't. Now you wanna use it as an excuse?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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