yunho- the fighter

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Tonight was one of the nights where you decided to go to a nearby underground fight club. You were bored and was looking for a thrill tonight. You had gotten dressed and grabbed betting money for the night, ready to place it on who would win the matches for tonight. Once you arrive you take a seat in the third row of the stadium. The stadium was loud with other people, excited to see a night full of brawling. Word around said that there would be a new fighter who went by "Jeong Yunho."

grabbed the nearest man to me by his collar
"Hey who's this new pretty boy"

The man stumbled back at the sudden grab of his shirt. You were a bit intimidating and he had no hesitancy to answer you.

"Oh, that's the new guy, Jeong Yunho. He's here tonight and they say he's going to be fighting in his first unofficial match!"

"oh a newbie I see"

"Yeah, he's a real hotshot. They say he could easily take down any fighter here in less than 5 minutes"

The bell above rings, signaling that the matches were starting. The first few matches go by quietly with a few winners and losers. It gets to the end of the night, and finally it's Jeong's first match against one of the well known fighters in the arena. You can see the large build of his body and muscles under the small outfit he's wearing. As he gets into the ring, you can now clearly see his face.

As he looks around the stadium, his eyes land on yours and you notice a slight smirk form on his face before the match begins. The fight starts and from the start, you can tell Jeong is on a whole other level. His attacks are precise and calculated while his dodges are fluid and quick. Even with the years of experience from his opponent, Jeong makes him look weak. Within 2 minutes, Jeong is the victor of the match.

"Told you that he could take any fighter down in less than 5 minutes."

"I'm not blind I can see"

The announcer starts speaking through the mic, congratulating Jeong on his victory and announcing him as the winner. As he is receiving his reward money, you see his eyes glance towards you again.

"You're gonna go talk to him, aren't you?"

"Ofcourse I will I have to win money I'll convince him to fight for me and in return I'll pay him"

The man laughs loudly at your statement and raises an eyebrow.

"Good luck with that. I don't know if that boy would accept that or not. Hey, maybe I'll even place a bet on whether you succeed or not."

You wait until Jeong has finished and is outside of the arena. You approach him and you notice how well he holds himself confidently.

"How can I help you, miss?"yunho asks as he turns to face you

"hello handsome I'm y/n one of the biggest betters here and you just made me loose tons of money tonight"

Yunho laughs to himself at your statement.

" Oh? And why should that be my problem? You lost fair and square."

You lean up against the wall and chuckle.

"Ah, I know that. But don't you wanna make some more money?"

Yunho leans against the wall with his arms crossed
"What is it that I can do? I'll listen to your offer before I reject it."

You smirk and you lean closer towards him.

"Why don't you fight for me? I'll pay you triple what you made from your match."

Yunho raises an eyebrow, the smirk remaining on his face.

" Fight for you? Now you're making a proposal I'll listen to. What's the catch?"

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