A Pile Of Rage

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Surprisingly no one got any sleep in the Jade Palace. Shifu was exhausted, Shen was determined and the Five and Po had trouble concentrating on their training for the day.

Shen was headed for the room that served as a prison for his relative. Confident at what he was going to say to him, at least from his walk he seemed like he knew exactly how this will go.
„I request to visit my cousin. Step aside. „he stared up at the black bear, who was grumpy since he almost went deaf from the peacock’s screams and numerous war cries.
„No. Unless it’s Master Shifu, I have no allowance to let in anyone else. Get lost. „he signed in frustration.
„If you dare to touch him.. I am going to Rip.You.To.Shreads.” the peacock behind closed doors hissed angrily, referring to the black bear.
„Can’t you just shut the hell up already?! I don’t get payed enough for this crap! I am quiting... Go ahead peacock... „he almost gave him the key but then he purposely caught it before Shen could.
„That’s it... „Shen’s eyes were throwing lightings at the bear... He would get what he wanted, one way or his rather preferred other way. By making someone scream in agony. Those 5 months were merely enough to accept he needed to live with his ex enemies from now on. He had no time to shake off his violent tendencies.
He grabbed the bear’s foot scaring it with his leg. The bear fell and tried to strike back but instead he accidentally dropped the key, Shen caught it and defended himself with his long, gracious train. He kicked the black bear in the face sending him flying into an other door. He quickly swiped into his cousin’s room.. Ready for an unpleasant sight.

Once again as usual per his predictions he was right. The young peacock was laying on the floor, covering his body with his large wings, his train relaxed, laying in a curl around him.

„You do have a bed! Why not use it? „ Shen exclaimed in disbelief,scoffing.

„Do you remember me laying on a bed as a kid? Do you ever recall seeing a, bed in my room when we were kids? „ he twitched his head, talking slowly and in a dry voice.

„I do not recall seeing much furniture in your room. „Shen looked puzzled and then it clicked. His cousin’s father never allowed him to have any essential furniture’s of his own. He was never premittid to use a bed once he turned 5.. He shook his head.

„I see you get it. You always have Lord Shen. I felt so much rage when I found you were gone, taken by the tigress. I will have her swallow her own blood if needed... „ the young albino had no remorse and least not seemingly.

„You looked quite skilled yesterday. I found your technique rather graceful you know. „Shen was surprised at his own tone. He sounded impressed, sympathic, kind and cheerful and he felt it didn’t suit him one bit.

„I am glad you noticed. „ the peacock replied staring at the door.”The door is unlocked now... We can get away, Shen.. Let’s fly for it. „ he started his monolog, but stopped glancing at his admirable relative.

„You aren’t leaving. I don’t want you to rot another year in prison..and neither will I. The residence of the Palace allowed me to stay here only as long as I am not going to harm them... It’s foolishness is it not? „ he scoffed looking down only to see his cousin was gone.

Shen didn’t hesitate, he instantly took of and he saw once again the rage. The younger peacock was now fighting the bear, and the bear was the one who was loosing.
Sahen was bloodthirsty, vengeful, almost going mad. He took full advantage of the rage and frustration he had build up over the night and over those months. He still had a few slick knives under his wings and he used them to their full potential. Every one of his throws hit the target, the bear was now a bleeding mess. Sahen pushed himself off the floor going for the black bear’s neck with his long, sharp nails. He caught his target,chocking him. Trying to find a good spot to choke him out of his suffering slowly and painfully.

Shen was impressed. He had no reason to interfere, the bear did mess with him and he dared to address him as a regular peacock even. He just stood there watching. Even analyzing his distant cousin’s moves. Making a few mental notes of his fighting style, his nice aiming skills, his great use of his train and impressive leg strength.

That was until Shifu arrived right before Sahen choked the bear to death. The guard on duty minutes ago could barely breath any more. Fresh bleeding cuts all over his body.

„That’s enough! Let him go Sahen. „Shifu ordered.

„Do you seriously thing I give a single taught about you trying to boss me around? Red panda, the only one who I shall listen in any and every matter, is Lord Shen. Now step aside and let me finish my fight! „Sahen glared at Shifu whose eyes twitched in frustration.

„You did respond to me, so maybe you do care about my say, hmm? „Shifu fought back.

Shen already saw where this was going. Shifu wanted to start a mild fight, knowing if Sahen let’s go of the bear, his life could still be saved..

„Master Shifu....My cousin only protected me...He got heated in the middle of the fighting, but he shall not finish this fight. „Shen interrupted knowing if Sahen would scar Shifu in any way, that would be the end of living in luxury despite having to put up with painful,  wrecking  memories and irritating Kung fu masters who ruined his life daily..

„I shall do that, Lord Shen. „Sahen whispered barely hearable and he finally lifted his sharp, now bloody claws away from the black bear.

„Watch it, Red Panda I am a peacock who will refer to violence in any way I can... Just a reminder. Don’t you dare cross either my cousin or me.. You know what would come your way if you did.. „and with that Sahen walked past Shifu, with a quiet hissing. Followed by Lord Shen who simply ignored the master.

„Do you even know your way around here? „Shen asked.

„I have nothing to worry about as long as you are here. „Sahen briefly answered.

„That’s certainly true. „Shen nodded.
Both of the peacocks wanted to get some fresh air but before they could they bumped into a rather hated hero.

„Good Morning Lord Shen and wgaaaat??? „Po couldn’t belive his eyes.

„How did you get out?! Where are you even headed?! Po exclaimed nervously.

Sahen simply ignored the Panda with a deadly glare, howering over him trying to look as threatening as possible. Even his train was about to open. His anger was filling his body and he was about to attack as an answer.

„Just getting some fresh air, don’t be so concerned about us Panda.. It’s not the end of the world if 2 peacocks finally reunite now is it? „ Shen lamely reasoned with Po. Trying to manipulate his dump empathy.

„That’s true I guess and your Cousin did have a traumatic day yesterday. Just... Can I help with anything? „Po signed in defeat.

Sahen only bursted out laughing but when he saw Shen’s face twitched in curiosity he stopped.

„You can’t even read people right, can you you pathetic panda? It seems impossible you were the one who destroyed an army of wolves and superior weapons. „Sahen glared. „Don’t you dare talk about yesterday, if you will. I will make sure you won’t have the proper body parts to enjoy life with anymore... „Sahen hissed.
„It’s better if you move aside now, Panda. Get over yourself.. „Shen gestured with his wing and with wide, unsure eyes Po listened.

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