Tortuga and Jacks new crew

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Kats POV

I stayed in the crows nest for several hours. As I lay there soaking in the sun and the warm breeze it and occurred to me that my father and former governesses would be alarmed at how long I was in the sun. I looked down at my arms, I had quickly removed the overcoat and rolled up my sleeves. I could see that my pale skin was definitely taking on some color, I kinda liked it, the golden tan suited me. Just then I heard the creaking of the ratlines that led to my perch and I hoped it was Will and not a certain annoying pirate. Those hopes were washed away when a mostly white handkerchief was held up over the side of the basket and waved about to signal Jack's surrender.

"What do you want Captain Sparrow?" I ask not interested in what he had so say

"Truce?" He asked hesitantly

I sighed deeply and Jack peered over the edge to make sure he was not about to be meet with another blade. And Sees me laying on the floor of the crows nest he pulls him self over and sits down next to me, oh goody. Jack stretched out and leaned on one elbow to observe my figure as I lay there watching the clouds. My white shirt was unbuttoned part ways and displayed my neck and collarbones and the waistcoat showed off my waist.

Jack's gaze was stopped as it traveled down my shapely legs by the blades strapped to my thigh and he gestured towards the sheath.
"May I?" I considered him a moment and then shrugged. Jack's hand brushed across my upper leg to pull out one of the small blades and I could feel myself blush at the contact. The pirate captain carefully balanced the knife on one finger and admired the sharpness and craftsmanship. "William's work I assume?"

I nodded in agreement Will made most of the naval weapons. Jack glanced back at my face to ask, "So how is it the Governors daughter comes to be proficient with such a weapon?" he gestures to the knife in my boot.

I smile despite myself, he really was ridiculously charming. I could feel Jack's eyes still on me but refuse to acknowledge it. Jack reaches out and very gently brushes his fingers across my jaw and turns my face to him.
"I'm sorry Katharine, it was a dirty move." Jack admitted very quietly. I could tell from how difficult the words were to get out that Jack Sparrow was not a man accustomed to apologizing for anything. However a moment later I smiled.

"It was indeed a dirty move Captain Sparrow, but apology accepted." I hopped to my feet, leaving Jack laying on the floor and climbed over the edge of the crows nest, a second later my head popped back over.
"Come on, I want you to show me how to help bring her into port since I'm speaking to you again." And I nimbly climbed back down the rigging.

Jack continued to lie there a moment and then dashed after me.
3rd person

Bringing the Interceptor in to the dock had been hard work with just the three of them but Kat was a quick learner. Currently they were strolling down the dark, crowded and rowdy streets of Tortuga and Kat couldn't figure out where to look first!

Everywhere there was movement and noise and debauchery going on! Pirates and prostitutes chased each other around, there was a man being drug behind a wagon and another trying to drink rum straight from a leaking barrel. Pistols were being fired everywhere and music swelled out of the doors and windows of more taverns than they could count!

Both Will and Jack were keeping an eye on Katharine, unbeknownst to her they had already scared off or threatened half a dozen unsavory sorts that had noticed her and gotten to close for their comfort. Jack snatched a long cane from one man who almost stumbled into her and thwacked him on the head with it even as he kept up his dialogue of pointing out his favorite spots to Will and Katharine.

"More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy? What do you think?"
Just then a group of ruffians rushed by smelling so strongly of rum that Katharine was forced to cover her nose.
"It'll linger." Will commented.

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