Synopsis: Longtae is a merman living in disguise in a small village where only few people know abt his identity! One day a young boy from nearby town-Akk- goes alone for fishing at early in dawn. He thinks he caught a big fish in the dark but instead he finds a boy in the net instead.
Ok so in this universe, Ayan doesn't exist. Akk is prefect and suppalo isn't great school but Akk hasn't done anything bad in order to keep the curse. So he is just a nerd who loves his school blindly and follows teacher's orders. He wants everyone to follow Suppalo's rules even they are outdated.
In this universe, Tian is living now with Phupha in the village. After many months, Longtae finally reveals his secret to him. So now only Khama, Phupha, Tian, Yod and Doc know about Longtae that he is actually a merman that lives in disguise in the village.
A merman, in this story, is a type of siren with shape shifting ability where he can take human form when he is out of water. Sirens have a voice that is irresistible to men. Sirens are able to vocally command males to do anything against their will. Sirens can make men fall under their "spell" by making skin-to-skin contact with them.
Backstory- Khama met a beautiful lady when he was young. They fell in love and had a baby. But soon he realized that he was actually hypnotized and the lady was a siren. She wanted to take baby with her. But baby was a boy. Usually sirens are females. She left one day leaving the baby behind because other sirens won't accept him anyway. Khama raised this merman on his own. He thinks villagers won't accept a merman due to old legends. Humans think they are deadly creatures.
"You were spotted again near the cliff Longtae! Villagers have started questioning!" Khama says as he puts his both hands on his hips.
"No one saw anything!" Longtae replies.
"You are playing a dangerous game here Longtae! One wrong move, and you will be banished from this village!"
Longtae sighs as he sits on the mattress huffing. Lately he is getting irresistible urges to shape shift and swim in his merman form. Maybe because he recently turned 18. Nobody knows. But that's the reason he is sneaking to the cliff and dive into the deep ocean.
"Are you even listening?" Khama asked again concerned. He fears his dear boy might face an unfortunate fate.
"Yes Pa. I am listening. Please don't worry about me" He tries to ensure his father.
Next day in the dawn, Longtae is sleeping in the hut in his room. He starts to feel weird. His eyes are closed but he sees the plants under water, a big shell and pebbles. His body feels heated and sweat starts to form. He wakes up panting. "I need to go in water" he says as he runs out of the house. He stops directly at the cliff. It is still dark and sound of the ocean waves can be heard.
Without much of thinking, he strips himself naked and not able to resist the heat, he jumps in the water. As soon as his body touches the water, gills appear on his body. His legs turn into a tail with fins.
He feels so good that he flips and splashes the water. He again swims underwater reaching the reef. After some time, he decides to go back to the land before his father realizes that he is gone. So he starts to swim towards the piedmont from where he can climb back to cliff to get his clothes.
As he swims, he feels something is pulling him back no matter how much strength he uses. He looks back and water doesn't seem to be as calm as it was before. Suddenly a whirlpool approached him from the back. He panics and starts to swim away from it but soon gets sucked into the vortex.
Akk throws a net into water and locks the rope from all the sides. He makes sure twice that it is secured enough. Water is quite calm as his parents expected and that's the reason they let him go alone for fishing at early at dawn.
The ultimate FirstKhaotung book
Fanfic🔞Different scenarios of #FirstKhaotung ! (📣: Smut chapters are saved as private. Follow/ vote each chapter and put comments /interactions to open them.) Exploring various AUs and genres revolving around First and Khaotung and their various charac...