Chapter 1: Turbulence

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.
A Star Wars X Justice League Unlimted Crossover​
In the deep blackness of space, several celestial planets were seen. A lone starfighter glided away from the collection of planets and was moving to the edge of the star system. The ship was a T-65 X-Wing Starfighter designed and manufactured by the Incom Corporation, a famous Starfighter used by the Rebel Alliance now the New Republic. The Ship's name was Red Five, the pilot was the famous Luke Skywalker, one of the heroes of Yavin IV who destroyed the Empire's first Death Star and helped destroy the Emperor a few years ago. With the Force in balance, he is the only existing Jedi of the reborn Order.

In the Cockpit, Luke dressed in an iconic Rebel flight suit and his personalized pilot helmet, he was at the controls of the starfighter while looking for any deep space messages he might receive while he was on his previous mission. Though he is not alone, behind the elongated cockpit is his trusted Astromech droid and companion, R2-D2. R2 has been with him since that fateful day on Tatooine to his recent adventures as a Jedi Knight. While he could have replaced R2 with any other Astromech that was newer and better, he couldn't betray R2 with any droid.

Luke just finished as an envoy for the New Republic in a system in the Outer Rim that was reluctant at first to join. After being visited by the Hero of the Rebellion and a Jedi Knight, they quickly saw the humbleness and honesty of Luke during the talks. While Luke did have responsibilities of leading the now young and reborn Jedi Order, he occasionally helped the New Republic with critical missions and dealings.

The engines of the X-Wing sang while sensors whistled inside the window. Luke done with the diplomatic mission was now gliding the X-wing to the nearest Hyperlane Route out to the system, there he'll jump to Hyperspace back to his temple. While not the hardest job to perform, peace talks can be exhausting, long, and tedious. However, the worst (or boredom some might call it) was over and he could finally head back, though Luke would be lying if he had anybody waiting for him there. He was the only one in the order to begin with and he had trouble finding any Force sensities to train as Jedi.

Luke gave a tired sigh.

"You alright, buddy?"

R2 replied in an agreeing beep.

Luke smirked back at his astromech friend, he too thinks about the whole ordeal as tiresome. While not the thrilling types of missions, peacekeeping, and negotiations were one out of many responsibilities the previous Jedi Order had dealt with. He wouldn't be a true Jedi if he didn't help bring peace and stability through the Galaxy

"Don't worry buddy, I'm sure we'll have a change of pace in a matter of no time."

Luke Looked over the controls and computers to see any problems with going to Hyperspace moments from now. "So far so good". Luke thought to himself. He looked back to his right where R2 would be behind him "All set?"

R2 set a chirp of beeps confirming that they are ready to jump to Hyperspace. Luke gave a smile to his R2 unit then back to the main controls. After clicking a series of buttons, Luke grabbed the Hyperspace lever and pushed it in a controlled manner. The Hyperspace Drive roared as when the stars started to move. The stars themselves that surrounded the ship slowly then quickly turned into a mesh of lines that morphed into a bright tunnel of blue. The moving tunnel made the cockpit glow in an aura of flashing blues.

The Jedi glanced at the controls and sensors to see any abnormal activity of the jump. Showing no signs of the problems, Luke looked at the light tunnel that couldn't sleep. There are myths and stories of space crew going mad by looking out the viewports of ships when in Hyperspace, Hyperspace madness some called it. However, those stories are only a few, and any research leads to no such illness. Luke didn't mind looking at Hyperspace, as unnatural as some might point it, it was more or less a background noise to Luke. At this point with nothing else to do, Luke thought the best thing to pass the time was to meditate. While training with his former Master, Yoda, he learned meditation should be a regular pass time.

Luke asked his trusty R2 unit. "Wake me up when we reach the system, Artoo."

The astromech chirped back with acknowledgment of his request.

With that taken care of, Luke started to take deep breaths and started to get comfortable in his X-Wing seat. He started to empty his mind and allow the Force to breathe into him. It would take a couple of hours to reach the neighboring system, Luke at this stage of his Jedi life wouldn't mind it. The last thing Luke would remember before going into the trance was the hum of the X-wing engines and the cascading blue from outside of the cockpit

Several hours have passed when Luke's meditation was interrupted by the warning signals from the ship, the sudden jerks of turbulence, and Artoo's cry of alarm. Luke regained his focus back to the real world and started to look for the signs of the problems. The ship's Hyperspace fail-safes weren't working and Artoo was crying about some anomaly. While not a Hyperspace engineer, Luke knew that they had a problem.

"Artoo, Get us out of Hyperspace!"

R2 replied with a pattern of concerned beeps, worrying that disengaging Hyperspace at this point with turbulence might damage the ship.

"We don't have a lot of options in this, Artoo, Just do it!"

R2 accepted his master's demands and disengaged the ship's Hyperspace drive. The blue aura quickly turned back to the stars as the ship rocked out of control, despite the pairs' control. The Ship spun around with no clear direction as to where it was heading. After a few moments of trying to gain back control of movement, the spinning ship lost momentum and started to spin slowly. Luke managed to get control back and the ship finally started to glide into deep space calmly.

With that done, Luke looked at the controls to see anything damage from the Hyperspace turbulence. While some warnings are shown, no critical systems were damaged. "Thank the force," Luke thought. They could have hit some sort of planet, space debris, or asteroid, or went into a black hole during the event. After some seconds to get back to focus, Luke turned back to the end of the window to check on Artoo.

"You, Alright?"

Artoo replied with a mixture of tired and worrisome beeps.

Luke signed with some relief

"Good to hear, so it was all of sudden, huh?" Luke asked

Artoo answered with an assortment of beeps and one long boop that made Luke worry.

Luke knew Hyperspace turbulence and anomalies weren't rare, they can happen if your Hyperdrive is plain bad, lacks any recent maintenance, or is out of randomness. But Hyperspace travel was for the most part safe.

Luke rolled back further to his X-Wing seat to think of their options, while the ship's system was showing the Hyperdrive was mostly good despite the fiasco that occurred minutes ago, he wasn't too sure to make a jump to lightspeed straight after that. So the viable option of course is to travel to the nearest system with some sort of spaceport and have it looked at.

He leaned in forward to the front controls to get a read on the scanners.

The readout showed they were on the border of a star system, one star, and nine planets. An asteroid belt is in between the 4th and 5th planet. The only planet that showed some sort of civilization of the 3rd planet from the star. He switched over to the navigation screen to try to get some sort of information about the system, in his mind it was entirely possible they were off course and were in a completely different system. That however was in vain when the nav computer wasn't able to establish a connection to the network. While Luke wouldn't doubt that the Hyperdrive problem caused some sort of issue to the nav computer, the system they were in might be outside of the galactic network range. Luke pondered for a second, the safest way really to get out of their problem was to travel to the 3rd planet and go from there.

"Looks like we're going to have to go toward the 3rd planet, huh buddy?"

Artoo agreed with a boop, siding with Luke is the only good option.

He turned his attention to the main controls and guided the X-Wing to the 3rd Planet. Thankfully none of the engines were damaged, otherwise it would've been a long trip one way or the other.

Kragger just got back from the surface of Earth and now was aboard the main command ship, the ship itself was in the lower atmosphere of the planet, now in Thanagarian control. The main bridge and acting control room for the main occupation force of the planet were alive with constant subspace messages and comm chatter. While the operation wasn't as smooth as they would think, they were still right on schedule. The Hyperspace Bypass Generator was close to completion and The Justice League was now subdued and being transferred to a secure location. While the Gordanians were renewing their offensive towards Thanagar, the Hyperspace Bypass would make short work of the Gordanians towards their homeworld and end this long war. While being the cost of Earth and her population, Kragger couldn't care less about the Earthlings to begin with.

The main holdup however was Lieutenant Shayera Hol, Commander Hro Talak's fiancé. While she was useful for relaying information about Earth and the Justice League back to Thanagar, in Kragger's eyes she became a little too naive. She has some form of connection with the Green Lantern and is reluctant to execute them despite being enemies of Thanagar. Then the cream of the top was her order for the Prisoners to be properly cared for.
Kragger doubted the enemies of Thanagar, especially the Gordanians, would do the same. He tried to report his concerns to Talak but he wasn't hearing any of it. If Shayera Hol wasn't Talaks's lover, then maybe he would listen to reason, yet with his blind love for her he could put the whole operation in jeopardy, putting Thanagar in danger. Kragger would most likely have to find proof of Shayera's secret sympathies one way or the other.

Kragger's thinking was cut short when one of the scanner officers hailed to him across the room

"Sir! We're picking up an unidentified starcraft that just passed the world of Mars and its trajectory is heading towards Earth!" The soldier warned.

Kragger looked at the soldier and moved to the scanning station, the screen showed the outlines of the Sol system and their location. The unidentified craft just now passed the Martian World and making to Earth, and fast.

"Why haven't we picked them up earlier?" Kragger barked

"Sir, we just detected them now, our scanners didn't detect any Hyperspace travel in or out of the system that wasn't ours. We think it might be due to the size of the craft or they have some sort of jamming equipment" The soldier replied to his commander.

Kragger paused with befuddlement as he looked away from the lower-ranking officer back to the scanner screen. One of two things is happening right now, either this was just some craft that just happened to appear in the middle of the system, was the Gordanians. "But that's impossible!" Kragger objected in his thoughts.

Their intelligence showed that the Gordanians weren't near the system nor had any plans to invade it. Yet now there's a ship that might be an enemy reconnaissance craft that has jamming capabilities or even cloaking for that matter. Which is now quickly heading towards Earth, coincidently while the Hyperspace Bypass is nearing completion, being Thanagar's Hail Mary to end the war. If it didn't smell sabotage then Kragger wouldn't know anything. Kragger knows the only way to snuff out this flame before it starts into a fire is to detain the ship and interrogate the pilot of any information, possibly killing them afterward. If they happen to be a random pilot that was at the wrong place at the wrong time, all well, what's one body to the mass graves of this war? Kragger looks away from the scanning station and to the main control deck to relay orders.

"I want a squadron of fighters to intercept and detain the vessel back to the ship. If the ship refuses to co-operate then they have permission to destroy it. Then I want them to escort them back to the hangar, I want to meet this interloper personally." Kragger barked the orders.

"Yes Sir!" one of the control officers replied while relaying the commands back to the fighter hangars to receive their orders

"Hail the ship, I want to talk to them myself" Kragger ordered while he made his way to the communications station

"Yes Sir! Patching through." The comm officer typed in the general frequency any ship with a proper comms system should pick up. The comm officer gave the thumbs up for Kragger to pick up the vocal comm link to establish a hailing call for the unknown craft.

Kragger pulled up the mic to his mouth to make his commands very crystal clear.

"This is Lieutenant Kragger of the Thanagarian Military. You are trespassing into restricted Thangarian-controlled space. State your business and intentions or you WILL be shot down!" Kragger commanded through the comm link.

There was an awkward pause of silence between him and the unknown craft. After what seemed like an eternity the craft responded. The voice sounded young but was difficult to distinguish any characteristics other than the crispy static blur from the connection.

"Lieutenant Kragger, this is Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker on the Red-5, my Hyperdrive malfunctioned during lightspeed and had to disengage my jump. I'm asking permission to land my ship into your hanger to repair it."

Kragger took a moment to process this so-called "Skywalker's" intent. He said his Hyperdrive was damaged yet no sensors detect any Hyperspace jumps near the system. The interloper also mentioned he was some sort of Jedi Knight, "Jedi Knight? Never heard of that before." Kragger thought. While the Galaxy and the Universe at large are huge, if this Skywalker what us to think he's important because he's a so-called Jedi Knight, then he is very mistaken.

"Pilot, Luke Skywalker, You are to be escorted by our starfighters to Hangar 6, you are to disengage all of your weapon systems, if you attempt to threaten our ships or evade our fighters you will be shot down. We will detain and question you to check if you are a security threat to Thanagar or not. After we determine that you are no threat, we will fulfill your request and send you on your way." Kragger lied.
Of course, they'll bring him in and interrogate him for the possibility of being a Gordonion spy. But the last part of repairing his ship and letting him leave was out of the question. If anything they'll blast him out of an airlock or send him down to a trash compactor after he served his usefulness of any information they can get from him. His being in this system was a security breach to the whole operation.

The same silence followed Kragger's commands to Skywalker. The silence was broken when Skywalker replied to his commands

"I understand your terms and will agree to them, you will not receive any fight from me, I hope we can come to an understanding of this situation."

Kragger scoffed at Skywalker's answer, "Of course we will, I'm sure we will have a very good conversation between us, Mister Skywalker." Kragger replied with an almost sarcastic tone. He didn't want to sound like it but he found enjoyment in throwing this Skywalker a bone, making him think this is just a huge misunderstanding and all is well. "If the Gordanians did send this spy, then they aren't getting their money's worth. " Kragger thought with a grin.

"Have a security team dispatch at hangar 6, we'll have a little chat with a new friend Skywalker," Kragger ordered the control officers.

The officers followed the commands and dispatched orders for a team to accompany Kragger to the hangar. "Sir, shall we inform Commander Talak of the situation?" one of the officers asked.

Kragger gave it a thought but knew what was his answer.

"Until the situation is resolved, this is no need to inform Commander Talak of it. If it happens to escalate? So be it, until then NOT a single word to him, understood"?

The officer followed his command back to his station.

Kragger followed his way out of the control room and to the specific hangar he designated their guest to while having thoughts play out in his mind.

As if handling Talak's lover was bad enough, now he'll have to deal with a possible spy. One thing is for sure though, Kragger will enjoy torturing their new visitor to death.

"And I thought Mandalorions were militant." Luke thought as he got done talking to clearly an authority figure over the comms channel. The voice named himself Lieutenant Kragger of the Thanagar military and pressed a set of demands for Luke to follow otherwise he would be shot down. While none of the demands were dangerous or ludicrous to Luke, he felt he was being misunderstood by these Thanagarians. Luke never heard of Thanagar and Thanagarians, but the Galaxy is a very big place, for all he knows he and Artoo jumped to an uncharted part of the Outer Rim. Hopefully, when he lands in one of their hangar's bays to talk with their leader they'll have a conversation that will clear things up.
 However, those hopes were being pushed away by the fact that the Force was telling him to be cautious. Sensing emotions and intentions was very difficult through audio and voice communication by the Force. Yet Luke felt a plan of deception through Lieutenant Kragger. He will have to be careful.

Luke's thoughts were halted when 12 dozen claw-shaped starcraft intercepted him from the direction of the 3rd Planet and quickly turned around to flank him on his side, 6 on his left and right. The Ships' shape vaguely reminds Luke of the Imperial Tie Striker the Empire used on planetside operations. Except these fighters were maybe double the size.

A voice appeared on the comm channel

"Red-5, this is Talon-2. We are ordered to escort you to Hangar Bay #6. If you attempt to escape or pose any threat, you have clear orders to engage and destroy you, do you comply?" The voice asked.

Luke gave a worrisome sigh and replied to the pilot "Talon-2, this is Red-5, I comply with your demands and will no threat."

"Understood Red-5," The voice called back.

Luke focused on the 3rd planet slowly growing larger and larger to him. With some brown and tan areas to say that the planet has some arid/desert regions, the rest of the planet largely consists of green continents and blue oceans. With one gray moon in its orbit, the planet itself looks like any average habitable planet. He then turned his gaze to the lone ship in the lower atmosphere. 
The ship itself is probably no larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer, with a vertical elongated snout with looks like beams at the most forward of the ship. Luke didn't recognize the make of the cruiser, then again how many ships can he remember with a Galaxy that has ship manufacturers too many to count? In the corner of his eyes (and sensors from the X-Wing) finds an elongated space station in orbit. Luke would be lying if he said he knew the specific designs of the station.

As his X-Wing was coming close to the cruiser with his escort, one thing came to mind. Was this Planet Thanagar? With their caution towards him and his armed escort, he cannot blame them for protecting their homeworld. Lieutenant Kragger did say he was in restricted space but didn't mention the planet being Thanagar. Either it is Thanagar or one of their worlds controlled by their government. Either way, Luke will have to respect their actions and their eventual questions of him.

As he approaches the cruiser the escort sounds off in the comm channel

"Talon-2 to Red-5, you may start your landing procedures to Hangar Bay #6."

"Understood," Luke replied.

Luke was now on the port side of the cruiser when one of the Hangar Bay doors opened, some of his escorts guided him into the bay as they landed in the ship. While the rest of them turned away from the cruiser.

Luke deploys his X-Wing landing gear as he lands in the bay. He started to take note of his surroundings from the cockpit as the X-Wing's engines started to shut down. The only ships in the Hangar were his and some of his escorts. The Hanger was large and had a view window at the back of the bay, no doubt the Hangar's control room. 
What piqued Luke's interest was the people who would no doubt question him. There were at least eleven, all had human-like features from what he could tell, however, the main characteristic was their large avian wings behind their backs. All of them were heavily built with muscles, with red helmets somewhat resembling a beak at the end and showing their eyes. Their uniforms showed their well-built bodies while in the middle showed a crimson circle with a black bird. All had this uniform except for one in the middle who had a golden helmet and had no red parts of his uniform excluding the bird symbol, no doubt their national symbol. He was most likely the commander officer and maybe the same one that wanted to "talk" with Luke.

"Guess I was right, they would put Mandolorians to shame," Luke thought

All had an assortment of weapons, from what looked like battle axes to heavy blasters. A race that has no doubt seen battle before and has taken pride in it.

Luke turns his back while taking off his helmet to Artoo, pressing the control to open the cockpit to exit.

"Artoo, stay with the ship," he said which was followed by Artoo agreeing with a whistle. While he cannot be too paranoid, he can sense that the Thanagarians will do more than just chat with him. While not a lie, if they know that he has an astromech on board and want Artoo to dismount, he will accept that too. But won't give them a free card if they won't say anything about it. 
Luke left his blaster in the cockpit while having his lightsaber on his belt clip, hopefully, they can understand tradition for being most likely a warrior race from the looks of it. He jumped off the X-Wing and calmly walked to the group that was the affront of his X-Wing. He stopped a few paces away to respect their boundaries while the leader from the looks of him stepped towards him, clearly not impressed by Luke's appearance.

"Who are you!?" The leader barked, staring holes into Luke's eyes.

Luke didn't need to sense the force to tell that there was tension in the air, especially coming from the leader. He will have to try to approach with a calm manner with crystal clear intent.

"Greetings, I am Luke Skywalker, I am a Knight in the New Jedi Order." He told the leader.

The soldiers behind the leader gave confusing looks to each other and back to Luke, probably no doubt not ever hearing a Jedi before.

"I am Lieutenant Kragger of Thanagar's Military, I never heard of this Jedi Order, but one thing I am certain of is knowing a spy when I see one". Kragger spewed with Venom. Pointing a finger towards Luke.

Luke felt a sense of danger from the Force when Kragger and the Thanagrians behind him started to ready their weapons when they heard "spy". Luke was worried about this happening but still wanted no fight between them. He will have to urge Kragger and his men to calm down and understand him.

"Please, I bring you no harm, I am just a humble traveler that had a Hyperspace accident and now lost, I only re-." Luke was cut off from this pleading for peace when one of the soldiers shot at Luke with his Blaster. Luke was caught off guard and didn't have time to react to it, he was struck with it. He couldn't do anything but writhe in pain and collapsed on the Hangar's floor. The only thing Luke saw before darkness developed his eyes was Kragger and his men coming towards him, Kragger having a smirk on his face, no doubt thinking a job well done.


Notes​Sorry, I wasn't paying attention and uploaded the original post to story ideas and not creative works. So this is my first time writing a story for people to see, so please bear with me for I'm probably not the greatest writer. So if I'm writing this but bad in writing, why am I doing this? Because I'm full-blown crazy that's why. If you find some inconsistencies with the story then I apologize for that. If you have any criticisms or advice for the story then I welcome you to please comment. This story is inspired by The Incredible Muffin's crossover Ben 10: Unlimited and Agent-G's crossover Justice League: The Spider. Both are on so go check them out, they're great. If you're a Star Wars fan and want to know if this is Canon or Legends Luke, I'll be honest here, I barely read any of the Legends books that had Luke same goes with Canon. Now I've been a Star Wars since birth don't get me wrong, I watched all the movies, played a lot of games, and learned about Luke's achievements through other media. But I feel like I'm not doing the character justice if I pretend to know the books and write in Legends Luke. So I'm keeping it as vague as possible. If you guys feel Legends Luke should be in here then let me know, I might edit it in but I'll need help. If anyone wants to voice any concerns, questions, ideas, or suggestions for the story, let me know. I already have two chapters typed, just need to proofread them in a little bit. Anyway, see you guys later, and May the Force be with you!

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