Chapter 4: Surprises

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

Luke walked with Diana and Bruce through the sidewalk as casually as possible. Though it was night making it easier for them to be seen less, the constant patrols of Thanagarians didn't help. They walked by a window in a building that was playing a Thanagarian video broadcast, something that reminded Luke of the same type of propaganda the Empire would usually employ.

"We are here to serve the people of Earth," the Thanagarian said in a peaceful voice, "We serve the people by making certain that you do what is in your best interest. What is in your best interest is to do as we say." The broadcaster said the last part in a passive demanding tone. "Only by obeying us can we serve you."

This message was playing over and over again throughout the city. Luke ignored the Thanagarian propaganda as they made their way out of the city. Three of them paused as they took notice of two Thanagarians ruffing up a defenseless couple.

"Your identification," the soldier coldly demanded.

One of the soldiers took the woman's purse by force for a closer inspection. The man next to her, likely her husband, went to protect his wife from the soldier and yelled out, "Hey, leave her alone!"

The soldier who took the purse swatted the man away like a bug to the sidewalk's ground. Luke felt Diana wanted to do something, however, Bruce grabbed her by the arm and warned out, "Diana, No."

Diana looking very frustrated that she won't do anything about it, "You would stand here and do nothing?"

Bruce sharply replied, "We can't risk a confrontation here."

While they both stared at each other over the dilemma, Luke took note of the alleyway behind the backs of the Thanagrians which also had a trash can at the end. Luke came up with a little idea to have the best of both worlds.

"Wait," Luke stepped into the raven-haired couple, "Who said we can't do both?" Luke ended with a smirk.

Both of them raised an eyebrow at Luke's comment. Luke looked around to make sure no one was paying attention around them. When the coast was clear, while keeping it inconspicuous he waved his hand in the direction of the trash can. The trash can lifted off the ground and flew further into the alleyway, making a loud crash. The two soldiers heard the disturbance as they took their attention to the alleyway. Both of them looked at each other and nodded, the one with the purse dropped it as they made their way to investigate the alleyway.

Bruce and Diana looked back at Luke with surprised expressions, Bruce's was more irritated. Luke with a grin replied their looks with a "See?"

Diana let out a thankful sigh, "Thank you, Luke," then made her way to check on the couple. Luke followed her as well with Bruce behind, still irritated.

The man of the couple was kneeling with his wife, helping her pick up the contents of her purse that the soldier lazily dropped. Diana went to the couple and concernly asked, "You two alright?"

Both of them looked at each other and nodded, the wife responded, "Yeah, I think we're fine."

Luke went beside Diana also wanting to check on them, he let out a relieved sigh, "That's a relief." He then looked around for any Thanagarians and stepped closer to the couple, "Listen it's kinda dangerous out here, you two should head home till things calm down," Luke suggested to the couple.

The couple looked back to Luke, the man replied, "Yeah, you're probably right, thanks for your concern."

Diana said, "No problem," Luke responded, "Anytime."

The couple got up and made their way out of the streets. Luke looked back to Diana and Bruce who went beside them. Luke thought at this rate, they'd get caught in no time. Even when he and Han were in Stormtrooper armor onboard the Death Star, it didn't take the Imperials long to look through them. They needed a faster way out, "I don't think we can keep this up for long, they'll eventually find us if don't find a faster way to Gotham City."

Bruce nodded to Luke's concern, "Agreed."

Diana looked in between them, "Any ideas."

And just like if the Force answered her question, someone hailed a taxi next to them. There they spotted a parked taxi on the edge of the street while the other drove off with its new passenger. While Luke did know planets with large cities had taxi services, he doubted this planet would take the Credits he had. He looked to Diana and Bruce, "You guys have any money?"

Diana shook her head, Luke and Diana looked over to Bruce. Bruce jokingly answered in a sarcastic tone, "Sorry, left the Bat-card in another suit."

Luke knew that Bruce meant he had no money as well, but he wasn't sure if Bruce was serious about the Bat-card part. Luke sighed, while not the only option, it's the best sort of transportation that won't get attention like a public train. He'll have to mind trick the driver. Luke didn't like mind tricking people who had no intentions of hurting him and had nothing to do with his situation. But Luke also knows that they can't get caught again.

"Alright," Luke spoke, "I have a way, but I only do it sparingly and when the situation calls for it."

Both of them looked at Luke, wondering what he was planning to do, "And exactly what that might be?" Bruce asked with.

Luke breathed in and out to let the Force flow through him and replied, "Just follow my lead," then proceeded to make his way to the parked taxi. Diana and Bruce looked at each other and then followed Luke.

Luke went up to the parked taxi at the front passenger side, he noticed the cab driver was eating a piece of food. Luke gently tapped on the window's glass to get the driver's attention. The driver stopped eating his food with a grunt, and then let the window down, "Can I help you?"

Luke wanted to at least ask the driver first before using the trick. "Excuse but I'm wondering if you can take us to Gotham City, we'll pay extra of course." He looked back to the disguised superhero duo, Bruce nodded that he'd pay the cab driver extra for taking them there.

The cab driver scoffed at the request, "Gotham? Sorry bud, but I'm only in Metropolis city limits, company rules."

Luke politely asked once more time, "I understand, but we can still pay extra and talk to your supervisor real quick."

The cab driver shook his head, "Sorry, no can do, now if you don't need a ride within city limits, then go away." The cab driver went back to his meal.

Luke sighed as his way wasn't working, he focused on the Force, and went through his mind what to command, "Wait a second, sir."

The cab driver dropped his food onto his lap and looked at Luke with an annoyed expression, "I thought I said to get lost."

Luke with a gesture said his command, "You will take us to Gotham City."

The driver's eyes widened and replied his command back with a monotone voice, "I will take you to Gotham City." The driver started his cab and unlocked the doors for the trio to get in.

Diana was surprised that Luke did that while Bruce's eyes narrowed to Luke, he could already feel the man's paranoia for Luke. "When you explained your powers, you never said you could do that."

Luke honestly forgot to tell them that when they were asking about the Force. "I'm sorry," Luke apologized, "I forgot to mention that, don't worry it only works on the weak-minded."

Bruce accusingly replied, "Seems like a big thing to gloss over."

Diana stepped into the conversation, "Bruce," she pleaded "He had plenty of times to betray us."

Bruce let a noticeable huff at Diana then turned towards Luke, "Just don't do that to us, understood?"

Luke nodded to Bruce's demanding request, "I only use it if it's absolutely necessary."

Luke and Bruce stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Diana broke the tension, "We probably should get going."

Luke looked at her, "Right," then went to open the back door to sit in a seat. Luke sat on the right side with a window, Diana sat in the middle to keep Bruce from killing the Jedi, and then Bruce sat on the left passenger side. The driver then drove out of the parking spot and made his way to the streets. Luke on his side viewed the window next to him, he could still see Thanagarians with their tanks patrolling the streets for them. He can only hope they didn't set up checkpoints.

He looked to the duo next to them, "You guys don't happen to know if we can go to some back roads? I'm worried that we'll run across to a checkpoint." Luke voiced his concerns to them.

Diana looked at Bruce on the left who might be knowledgeable about the route to Gotham, "It'll take longer but It might be worth the wait."

Luke nodded, "Alright," he then asked the driver who was busy looking on the road, "Excuse me but I'm wondering if you can take us to a back road route that can still take us to Gotham."

The driver looked back at Luke from the mirror, "No problem," replied as almost if he didn't realize he was mind-tricked.

Luke went further to the seat to get comfortable. He remembered that Bruce said earlier that it would take somewhere around 30 miles from here to Gotham, Luke asked Bruce, "How long do you think we'll be there?"

Bruce gave some thought before replying, "Since we're taking a detour maybe 40-ish minutes."

Luke nodded to Bruce's prediction, "If you two don't mind," Luke asked, "I'm gonna meditate until we get there."

Diana replied, "Of course, we'll wake you up when something happens." Bruce didn't say anything and stared at his window, still not liking the Jedi's presence.

With them ok with it, Luke crisscrossed his legs despite the lack of room in the back seat. He then relaxed his thoughts and started to clear his mind as the meditative trance took hold of him. The only thing he remembered before waking up in Gotham was the car's engine humming.

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