Chapter 9: Kaznian Nights - Part 2

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

Luke meditated in his guest room that was provided by Queen Audrey at her royal mansion. It has been days since the second attempt on her life. Kaznia entered a state of emergency afterward and Audrey was heavily suggested by General Olanic and Prime Minster Zebic to stay at her mansion, where she can be easily protected. Audrey doesn't like it, thinking that she can't stay cooped up in her mansion when her country is dancing the line between peace and civil war. But she conformed to her two advisors and did her best to attend the Parliaments on the phone.

Kaznia got deeper into civil unrest after the bombing. Protests sparked across the country, from village to city, especially in the North. Most of the protests consisted of Northern Kaznians wanting to leave the country, saying that since they weren't welcomed in the country, they would be happy to leave. There were counter-protests however, objecting that North Kaznia is rightfully Kaznia and the Northerners were traitors. It didn't take long for both sides to engage in violent street brawls.

The Kaznian National Guard was dispatched to quell the riots in the cities. General Olanic however wanted to go a step further. Olanic wants to declare martial law across the country and look for the NKLF in the north. He suggested that they should systemically search house to house in Northern Kaznia, arresting anyone affiliated or suspected of being NKLF.

Queen Audrey was thankfully horrified by the idea and told Olanic that they would do no such thing. Olanic of course obeyed his Queen, but Luke can tell that she was the only thing holding Olanic back from carrying out his plan.

Audrey continued attending the Parliament meeting on the phone. Her voice had no power already back when she attended the meetings physically, now she was on a phone while the argument and accusations between the delegates seemed to get worse and worse. Nothing was being achieved at this rate.

Luke wants to do something, he wants to attend the Parliament meetings himself and state his opinions to argue for both sides. But Audrey and Olanic wanted Luke to protect the Queen, not get involved with their issues. Yes, Luke understands that they want to fix it themselves, that they need a precedent of them fixing their own problems without outside involvement.

But he also knows what's at stake, the country can erupt into a civil war anytime with just one simple spark. Thousands or even more could perish during the fighting, including civilians. Millions would be displaced and will be refugees. The country's stability and economy would be damaged for decades to come. All he wants is to explain to the Kaznian leaders his third-party perspective and how they could co-exist with one another.

He knew that it wasn't Audrey's fault for not wanting Luke to attend the meetings, she was the Queen and needed to keep a persona and image within her people. He was an outsider and it would just show her people that they needed outsiders and help while dealing with their problems if he did. But Luke deeply wanted to tell her his feelings towards the situation.

Luke's meditation was stopped when his comlink buzzed to life. "Skywalker, here," he answered.

"It's Batman," the dark crusader replied, "Heard about the bombing."

Luke's raises his eyebrow, "Just now?"

"No" Batman stated, "Been dealing with the mobs in Gotham, heard about it when it happened but didn't get the chance to drop in."

Luke sighed, pitching his nose, "Well, the good news is that I stopped the bombing from killing the Queen and any civilians."

"And the bad news?" Batman inquired.

"The entire country is about to go to war with itself and the government is not letting me talk with them during the negotiations."

There was a short pause before Batman answered with, "Guess you're not having a good time."

"No...I'm not."

Batman continued, "So they're not letting you talk?"

The Jedi replied, "No, Queen Audrey and some in the government think I shouldn't interfere with their politics, will give a bad image since I'm an outsider."

"Mmh," Batman muffled and then only said two words after that, "Not surprising."

Luke huffed with frustration, "Anything happening that I should know about?"

"Other than what's happening in Kaznia, multiple villains broke out of Stryker's Prison, two days ago." Luke's attention peeked, and Batman continued, "The escapees were copperhead, cheater, KGBeast, Volcana, and Blockbuster."

Luke heard Claire Selton's villain name and took note of their escape.

"They've gone into hiding since the breakout," Batman stated.

"But they're criminals, they'll hide and do something major when the coast is clear," Luke mentioned.

"Right," Batman replied.

Luke rubbed the back of his head, "Well, we're gonna have to deal with them eventually, I'm about to talk with Queen Audrey soon, I'll see later, Batman."

Luke was about to turn off the comlink before Batman said his final words, "A little tip, some people find it hard to ask for help. Audrey and the others might want help, they just don't know it."

Luke gave Batman's words some thought, "Right," Luke said, "See you later."

Luke turned off the comlink to let Batman's words in his mind. Luke knows that Queen Audrey wasn't some Royality that needed to be saved and Kaznia was not some backward country that couldn't fix its own problems. Queen Audrey was a competent leader to her people who managed to help her country mostly recover from its past problems, the current crisis coming to be was out of her control. All she wants is to set precedence for future generations for problems like this if they come to be.

Luke got up from his meditation pose and left his lavish guest room. He walked through Audrey's mansion, passing servants who bowed when he passed and guards who stood like statues. He was making his way to Queen Audrey's office, it was the afternoon and she should be done with the parliament meetings on the phone. He wanted to talk with her about the crisis, he knew she didn't want him to interfere with the talks, but she also couldn't say no to a third opinion.

The Jedi was now outside of her office, where two guards in high-tailored suits stood there on both sides of the door.

"I would like to speak with the Queen," Luke politely asked.

Both of them looked at each other before one replied to Luke's request, "One moment," he spoke in a heavy Kaznian accent.

He opened the door and shut it, leaving Luke and the other guard in awkward silence. Moments passed before the guard came back and told his answer to Luke, "You may come in."

Luke bowed in respect and went into Audrey's office. There were two other guards inside the office. Both like the ones outside stood guard on either side of the room. Audrey was on the phone, arguing with the person on the other side, she was sitting at her desk while tapping her fingers on the wooden top. The voice was faint from Luke's distance to her, but he safely guessed it was Olanic. He guessed it was him due to Audrey's frustrations from the conversation.

"Look General, if we just roll the Army in North Kaznia, it gives NKLF to strike back, we just need to let the North calm down for a while." She argued with General Olanic.

He heard the vague, but gruff voice speak on the other side. She listened to the voice, rolling her eyes, shook her head in annoyance, and pitched the bridge of her nose. She looks up and notices that Luke got into the room, she smiles and waves at him. But her smile disappeared when Olanic's voice continued, no doubt talking about his view on what to do.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance then told the General what she felt, "General! I am the Queen of Kaznia and I will not let my decisions create bloodshed within my people! If you have a problem with my authority, you can happily resign your position and take back the oath you sworn to me!"

There was a pregnant pause between her and General Olanic. Luke thought Olanic hung up since there was just a long time of silence between the two. But Olanic finally replied, probably submitting to the blonde short Queen.

Audrey nodded to the General's submission to her royal authority, "Good, now if you don't mind I have a hero to attend to." Audrey hung up the phone and placed it in one of the drawers on her desk.

She lets out a frustrated groan before turning her attention to Luke. She then gestured with her hand to the two guards in her office, "You two can go now."

They looked back at each other and were going to protest about leaving their Queen alone with the Jedi, but Audrey took note of this and rolled her eyes, "Oh Please, he saved me from blowing up and got the man who tried to kill me, if anything he's well enough to keep me save." She argued.

The two guards reluctantly nodded and proceeded to leave the room. Luke didn't think the guards needed to leave, feeling that his talk with Audrey wouldn't be that secretive. "I don't think they needed to leave the room for us to talk, Your Highness."

The Kaznian Queen shrugged, "I figured they would give you looks while we chit-chat, they mean well but they can be real sticks in the mud sometimes."

Luke stated, "They only want your total protection, I don't blame them during these times."

Audrey gave a sigh, thinking about the last attempt on her life. She went to a cabinet that housed various liquors and alcohol. She got out a bottle of brown liquid and two smaller glasses. She poured one for herself and the other for Luke. She offered the one to Luke and gave a small grin, "Care for some libations, Sir Knight?" She jokingly said.

Luke smiled back, "I don't think the Queen of Kaznia should be intoxicated to the point where she can't perform her Queenly duties."

She went over to him, with both glasses in her hands. Extending her arm to offer him a glass, "Well, I think that this Queen of Kaznia deserves a little treat from all of this hard work, and her little protecting Knight, who saved her, should too." She lifts her glass, "Besides this is nothing compared to my party days."

Thinking that nothing bad would come out of this, Luke took the gesture of good faith from Audrey's hands. She raised her glass to make a toast, "To Peace."

Luke did the same, "To Peace." The two glasses tinked and both of them took a sip of the alcohol, Audrey was drinking more of it than Luke.

While Audrey looked unfazed at the drink, Luke thought the alcohol was pretty strong to the other drinks he had in the past. Luke breathed in afterward because on how he thought it was too strong for him. He wasn't a drinker, but he did at some points in his life have some alcoholic drinks. He jokingly thought that it was so strong that it could be used to fuel starships. He did however think it had a good taste at the same time.

Audrey took note of the Jedi's reaction to the intoxicating elixir and wanted to make fun of him for it, "What's the matter? Don't tell me a Justice League member is getting his ass kicked by a drink?"

Luke chuckled at her observational question, "No, I just don't drink that much."

"Well let's take a sit before my Knight gets defeated by something as small as a drink." She giggled as she led him to two fancy armchairs that were beside the entrance to the balcony of the office.

Luke follows and takes a sit with her. He notes the balcony's view of the estate and the countryside. It overlooked the mansion gardens, hedge walls, patio, and a large pool. Some of the guards were patrolling the sidewalks outside or standing as sentries. The estate's caretakers and maids were also walking, performing their duties.

Audrey crosses her legs and puts her glass on a small drink table. She slightly leans towards Luke with interest in why he wants to talk to her. "So," she said, "Is there something on your mind that you want to talk about since you came to me?"

Luke puts his drinks on the table too. Luke politely asks, "If I can, Your Highness, I want to talk about the current crisis, if I may."

Luke can tell from her looks and sense from her feelings that she was disappointed in his actual answer. She leans back to the chair. "Oh..well," she lets a sigh, "If you insist."

"I know you don't want me to interfere directly unless it comes for your protection, but please, I would you to hear my opinion on it," Luke stated to Audrey.

Audrey smirked, "The Queen awaits."

Luke smiled a little then explained his thoughts to her, "I can tell that you deeply care for your people and it breaks your heart that they resorted to such conflict."

Audrey's smirk went away when listening to Luke, she looked down on her hands and played with them. He can sense she was thinking about herself and how he was right. Her confidence as a Queen and a leader faded when his words reminded the Queen of her past self that seemed like a long time ago, yet wasn't even a year. She wasn't always compassionate and caring to her people, he sensed that was what she was thinking. She might've had them deep inside of her, but all of that was buried under reckless partying and being a hedon.

She went up from her chair and leaned towards the railing on the balcony, looking down over the estate and into the countryside. She sounded like she wasn't proud of herself when she answered Luke, "I wasn't like this you know. I only carried for myself when my father was King." She looked down in disappointment at her past self, "I was reckless and naive about what I wanted."

She took a long pause before continuing, "I thought I could be a little pampered Princess forever, not really expecting what's gonna happen when my father is gone."

Luke can tell that she didn't miss her being a Princess and not having responsibilities. Sure, he could tell that she somewhat missed traveling all over and going into nightclubs amongst other things. But he sensed that she felt empty during those times. That all of those times that she thought she could be young forever, she never really enjoyed or had any happiness in it. Being a Queen might be stressful, but she got a sense of happiness and joy seeing her people improve under her rule, despite how short it was.

Luke got up from his chair and went beside her, leaning against the railing too. Luke wanted to be honest with Audrey as well, "Believe it or not, I wasn't always a Jedi Knight."

Audrey turned her head to Luke, and he kept on with his backstory, "I grew up on a farm, raised by my Aunt and Uncle. Never really wanted anything but just to go someplace far away."

He stopped and thought about the events that happened during those days when he and Uncle Owen bought Artoo and Threepio from the Jawas to blowing up the Death Star days later.

"Never thought I would have a greater purpose, but it more or less found me when I least expected. I was reckless and naive about the world too, but we all have to grow up," he looked to her, "Don't we?"

Audrey was silent, and Luke decided to speak what he thought, "We all have our own destinies we can follow, but in the end, we have the ultimate choice to follow them."

He then wanted to try to tell her about his opinion on the crisis, "When I studied your people's history, all I saw was inspiration and the spirit to be free."

Audrey was surprised by his words, he didn't let up, "Despite all the times your people being beaten down and oppressed, you all continued to fight against all odds that weighed over you. Despite your differences, you all fought for what was your country. I feel that your people have forgotten that friendship and understanding with one another, but it's never too late for them to get that level of thinking back to them and I think you can do that."

Luke confessed his opinion, Audrey slightly blushed to the words of encouragement but then frowned at her subjects not listening to her. "I doing all that I can, but every time I ask them to calm down they just do the opposite." She looks away from Luke and lends down on the metal railing, thinking about how she failed them and Kaznia would not be saved. "They just won't listen. I'm their Queen and they won't listen or even try to care. I tried my best but,"

Luke cuts off Audrey by putting his hand gently on her shoulder. Luke got tired of this young woman doubting herself when he could tell she could be better than that. "There is no tries, Your Highness. If you already think that you aren't doing your best, then you already set yourself with failure."

Audrey looks up to him, Luke remembers what Yoda told him and goes further, "When my mentor told me that, I didn't understand, But I learned the hard way what it actually means. We can do some much with ourselves if we just let go of all of that doubt we have in our thoughts. You can be the greatest Monarch in Kaznia's history if you just let yourself be that."

Audrey blushed at Luke's words of encouragement. She slightly looked away and gave some thought to what he said. Luke was frustrated at how many people he met recently who could do so much good but was held down by their own thoughts. First Shayera, now with Audrey. Both have so much potential to do incredible things, they just have to believe in themselves.

Audrey placed her hand on top of Luke's hand that was still on her shoulder, finally finished thinking about what he said and why. "Thank you, Luke. I think I really needed that." She said warmly.

"It's what I do, Your Highness," Luke replies.

Both drop their hands and look forwards to the view, offered by the mansion's balcony. Both looked in the distance, not talking for a long pause. Audrey then said something that led to Luke's embarrassment.

Queen Audrey turned, "I never properly thanked you for saving me, Luke."

"You don't have to thank me, you did that already a couple of times after it happened and you gave me a drink I'll sure remember."

She giggles and steps closer, "Well, the Queen says that wasn't a proper token of my gratitude." She gets even closer and puts her hand on Luke's that was on the railing.

Luke's face turned slightly red, from her hand onto his and her thoughts that he sensed. "Oh well...," He coughs, "That's okay, I'm fine, I really don't need anything, honestly," Luke said nervously.

Audrey then got a devilish grin and was face to face with the Jedi. Luke felt the heat from her body and sensed what she was going to do, " Queen of Kaznia, I say that my shining Knight in armor will get a little token of gratitude for his bravery."

She leaned to him and was going to gift Luke a kiss, He didn't move out of the way or use his hand to stop her. He didn't know if he should stop her or not. Their lips were just about to connect before Prime Minister Zebic abruptly opened the door. Both of them quickly went away from each other. Turning away from either, blushing.

"Your Majesty, I-," Zebic was about to explain why he entered the Queen's office without permission, oblivious to what the two blondes were about to do.

Audrey got mad at the man barging in and stopped his sentence, "What is it Zebic?! Don't you know nothing of knocking?!"

Zebic realized his Queen's frustration and bowed in apology, "A thousand apologies, My Queen, but there have been multiple Northern delegates from Parliament that have been causing a stir recently."

Audrey crossed her arms. Luke realizing that he will not be needed, decides to take his leave. He turns to Queen Audrey, "I believe it's best if I leave it to you, Your Highness." He bows and then exits the office.

He could tell that she wanted to stop him but she didn't, he could feel that she needed to take care of the developing situation. He made his way to the provided quarters, closing the door behind him. Luke was unsure if he shouldn't have stopped Audrey when she was about to kiss him. Sure she was just showing appreciation, but he only hoped it was only that. He didn't bother searching deeper into her feelings if it was really that.

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