8. Beautiful eyes

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"Hyung..... what do you mean"

my muscles tensed up. I know yoongi hates me but I love him. I do, it never fade away from my side and yoongi eyes tell the same but he don't.

I just dont want anything bad happen to him.

"Jimin see... I just told you. I know your relationship is not same as like that before but somehow you have to be with him so that person wont attack him in any way"

Hyung... you really make my brain confused. I just dont get what you want to say"

He sighed and looked at me again.

"Jimin I tell you everything when the right time comes. Just do as I say and its already late. You should leave now"

Before I could stop him. He left for his work. Idk what is going to happen next but why this is all happening with me. What wrong I did.

I sighed and left towards my house as dad called me and yoongi for Dinner if I'll be late it create more problem for me.

"Yes... he didnt said anything to that specs boy. I saw eveything from my eyes. He just gave coffee to him and leave from there" the person smirked while telling about the conversation between namjoon and Jimin and thankfully he didnt heared much.

After he done with the call he looked at namjoon direction when namjoon did the same and smirked looking at the person while showing the thumbs up.

At Jimin home

Yoongi came after Jimin send him the address. He greet with Jimin father who was waiting to meet Yoongi before. They both are having conversation but Yoongi mind only roam arround the kiss they have in the morning. He cant help but decided to ask about Jimin.

"Sir where is Jimin btw" Jimin father smiled at yoongi nervous face.

"He will going to come in few mintues son" jimin father winked at yoongi teasingly make him to scratch his nape in embarrassment.

"Its....ite not like that Sir. I-I was just asking cause I'm feeling hung-hungry right now. So" jimin father burst out in laughter make Yoongi cheeks turned red.

"Its okay son. You dont have to embarrassed like this. I was just kidding" yoongi humed and looked upstairs when his breathe hitched looking at jimin who was coming downstairs with different outfit today.

And he didnt wear glasses too which make Yoongi to lost in beautiful eyes of Jimin. He look like fallen angel . Yoongi didnt hide his feelings anymore. So he get up from couch make Jimin to look at Yoongi when their eyes met everything stop for them. They both are drowning in eachother. Jimin feeling his cheeks red turned red when he remember the morning incident , without saying further Jimin came downstairs and stand beside his father when Yoongi moved his eyes away.

"So boys lets go and have dinner together" Jimin rolled his eyes secretly at his father tone cause he knows that how his father is two-faced meanwhile Yoongi nodded and they both follow Jimin father for dinner.

Three of them having dinner silently when Jimin father decided to say something.

"Son how about mr.min and I arrange your engagement next week" jimin father only looked at yoongi not caring what Jimin think about all this and this thing jimin dont like about his dad. His dad do everything to make Jimin feel hurt and guilty that he is the son of someone like Mr. Park.

Yoongi noticed that how Jimin face became dull more than usual. How his face lost its charm when he around his dad. Yoongi sighed before speaking calmly.

" Sir ask Jimin whatever he says I'll agree on that" Yoongi smiled looking at Jimin who didnt said anything but looking at Yoongi with tearful eyes feeling overwhelmed with the fact that someone is finally taking side. Should he say yes for this cause he is feeling scared for yoongi somewhere because of joon words. Should he take that risk and what if it became more complicated for him

" ohh son he definately said yes.... cause he have to" Jimin father said in his stern voice make Jimin gulped but he became calm when he feel yoongi hand on his thigh.

"Dad...I-I'm ready" he said still looking at his plate cause he knows if he said anything against his father it may caused huge problem for him. Mr. Park smiled and started to eat his dinner again.

When Yoongi fell uneasiness in Jimin. He feel Jimin is lost. Lost somewhere.

"Mr.Park can I take Jimin out after the dinner" Mr park looked at Yoongi confusingly but nodded immidietly.

"Yes son why not he is yours from now on" mr. Park teased yoongi who became shy but his shyness turned into fear when his eyes met with Jimin who is looking at yoongi with fiery eyes like he can eat yoongi anytime.

" okay Than..... thank you" Yoongi stutter as he feeling little scared under Jimin gaze.

TIme Skip~

"What do you think you are doing yoongi" Yoongi confused when Jimin suddenly asked this question.

"What I just take you outside so you can breathe here" Jimin crossed his hands on his chest and rolled his eyes make Yoongi smirked.

"You dont have to show your fake ca-... aaah" before he could finish Yoongi pulled Jimin from his waist make Jimin eyes widen. He dont know why Yoongi pulled him like this.

"My care was never fake.... after I hat-hate you so much" yoongi gaze became dominate when Jimin looked down with pang in his heart everytime Yoongi mention that he hate Jimin but only yoongi know how much these words are hard for Yoongi to say this cause its lie that Yoongi hate Jimin but fact is. Yoongi only wanted to make Jimin realised that how it affect Yoongi. How their break-up affect him.

"If you h-hate me then why showing so much care to me like this"

You making me weak for you Yoongi.

The only thought is coming in Jimin mind everytime Yoongi looking at Jimin more deeply.

"If you at my place Jimin. You will understand that. Right now lets go inside its already late. I also need to leave" jimin didnt said anything further but left Yoongi immediately.

Yoongi bid goodbye to Mr. Park and Jimin but Jimin didnt looked at Yoongi and blankly looking down.


"Do you think it is good plan. What if it create more problem" The person asked to his members who is listening him with straight and cold expressions.

"Nothing will gonna happened Wrong. If it create problem then we will execute our plan B"
second person smirked looking outside from his black window where no one can see what is happening inside.

"Namjoon Hyung. Do you think it is okay what if...."

Before he could complete the person who was lying on the couch is speak something make other focus on him .

"when Namjoon told us that nothing will going wrong then nothing would be wrong"

Other ones present there sighed and start executing their plan.


What do you think happen next🤭
Sorry for this boring chapter but enjoy.

Words: 1212
I need 20 votes for this chapter. This will motivate me to post next chapter soon💓

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