Chapter seven

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Aria had grown to like ptolemy in the days they were traveling together. ptolemy was a fun and easy person, he would make a lot of jokes about everyone and even his own king.

not that his king minded, Alexander himself would laugh at them.

in the heat of the desert, Aria had even reached a point to be grateful that ptolemy was there with them.

Alexander had decided that they need to camp and rest for the day after another one of his men had died from the heat.

Alexander stayed in his tent that was apparently now theirs together. Aria didn't mind anymore, he would sleep on the ground in the bed he'd made for himself.

Aria had gone out to get some food for her and Alexander, she had felt like he was somewhat upset. She understood, if she was in his place, she would be upset that her men were dying as each day passes.

hephaestion saw her standing, looking like she didn't know where to go or what to do so he walked towards her. "may i help you?"

Aria glanced at him and nodded her head. "i wanted to get alexander something to eat but-"

Hephaestion nodded his head, immediately understanding what she meant. "stay here, ill get you something."

Aria listened to him, staying where she is as she watches him walk off and away from her. Hephaestion was a kind person, Aria had come to that conclusion every time she interacted with him, he would put alexander's well-being before his.

"what is your name, my dear?" Aria turned to look at the persian queen who stood there next to her.

Aria had clenched her hands in her dress to stop herself from bowing to her, she only bowed her head as she answered. "Aria, my queen."

"oh please, call me stateira." stateira said, holding her hand over her chest. Stateira's hair was full of tight curls, she had tied up half of it.

Aria gave her a small smile as a reply.

Stateira had continued the conversation herself. "tell me," She reached to touch Aria's hair. "has he hurt you?"

"What?" Aria's voice was so small, she almost didnt hear herself.

"Alexander." Stateira said, her eyebrows raised as she continued to brush Aria's hair like a mother to her daughter. "Did he force you?"

"no, no." Aria immediately said, shaking her head. Alexander would never. She didn't want to say how she knew that but Alexander did not seem the type to do that, he never even tried to come close.

"its alright, you dont have to lie" Stateira said, smiling at her with sympathy in her eyes. "I know what it's like to have the attention of the king all to yourself."

Aria didn't know what to say, she just really wanted to remove herself from this conversation.

"but it never stays." Stateira said, giving Aria one last smile that terrified her to her bones.

Hephaestion had picked the perfect moment to cut off the queen, he reached for Aria's arm and motioned for her to move without acknowledging the queen. Aria thinks this was the first time she saw hephaestion being as rude.

Hephaestion pulled her with him to walk towards alexander's tent, He had a tray full of food in one hand and pushed Aria with the other hand. "Are you alright?"

"yes, i am alright." Aria nodded her head, shaking the conversation with the queen out of her mind. Aria didn't know what was the purpose of it or why she said that.

"What did she say to you?" Hephaestion asked, making Aria look up at him.

his eyes were filled with concern as he looked at her. Aria shrugged her shoulders. "she asked if the king forces me."

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