Chapter 10

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I push through the crowd that surrounds me as more blasting music fills my ears. A club really Cindy, that’s where she wanted me to go, there is a lot of people here I admit. I was so relived when the guards outside let me in I was underage and didn’t have any ID on me but I used my compulsion (Which is where you make people do stuff that is against their will) so they let me pass right on through. I try to stay out of the way of the dancing people and hide in the corner leaning against wall, casually.

“Excuse me miss, but are you old enough to be in here” A man says as he approaches me.

Yes” I say my words thick with compulsion.

“No, no I don’t think you are” he pauses and looks at my clothes.

“What” I say, how could my compulsion not work!

 I looked down to see what I was wearing, I forgot to change and I am still in my school uniform. I look back up to the man, he stares down at me and raises an eyebrow. I just smile back innocently.

He points to the door his face stern, “get out”, he exclaims.

I sigh.

“It’s either the hard way, or the easy way”. I sized him up, he was big. There were muscles everywhere possible and then some. He would easily take me down and leave a few marks in the process.

I sigh again and start to head for the door him pushing me all the way there; he opens the door and shoves me out a good metre or two. I land safely and securely on my two feet,

As he closes the door I hear him say, “Good stance” I could even hear the smirk in his voice. I look around and find myself alone in a dimly lit alleyway.

“Nice work Anna” I mutter under my breath. I might as well have put me in a pen with a bunch of lions.

To the left of me there was a wall, which I took as the end of the alley so I turned to the right and started walking, I should have sprinted for my life…

I hear a rustling type noise behind me, I turn around to but keep walking (Walking backwards). I saw nothing, nothing moved It was still… to unnaturally still. I slammed into something hard and something cold. I thought it was a wall until its arms wrapped around me.

“Feels like forever doesn’t it?”

I froze. The only thing that mattered write now was what my ears had heard, or rather what they thought they heard. Because surely, surely, I had to be imagining this, it couldn’t be real. Not after all this time.


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