Chapter 9

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I shot up, rocking back and forth for a while trying to get my bearings. Looking around I found myself in the schools sick bay bed, no one else was in the room it was just me.

My mind twisted at the thought of my last encounter with the gang, that’s what I decided to call them, I let out a sigh how embarrassing. Had it been a dream, or… maybe Victor was right maybe I was crazy. It did make sense I have been seeing them around and feeling their presence, don’t ask me how I do that because I don’t know myself. I have so many questions. What do they want with me? Who is coming to do “the job”? Who am I? What is that someone going to do to me, kill me?

Even just the thought of my inanimate death stunned me still, I can’t die yet I have so many things to live on for… like, Janel my sister and Jonathan.

Thinking of Jonathon reminded me of when he was lying here in this exact spot in this exact bed. The thought suffocated me in sadness. I pressed my nose into the pillow and the sheets to see if I could smell the familiar scent that Jonathon used to hold, but the only thing I smelled was sickness and disease. I sniffed it again determent to get his scent flowing through my veins but like last time it was just the sickening smell of disease. Tears started to spring in my eyes at the thought of never enjoying his scent again he was my best friend, best friends don’t abandon each other!

A rambling at the door cast off my thoughts. I wiped my tears away and hoped my light dash of mascara that I had put on this morning hadn’t smeared all over my face.

“Come in” I call to the person outside.

A figure appears in the doorway, one that I know so well.

“Janel” I say although it was only a breath, “Why are you here you should be in class”

“Don’t scold me for worrying, I saw someone cart you out of your classroom, when you got closer I realised who it was” she sighed and then continued talking “You were talking and thrashing around sometimes I could even see your eyes move under your lids, then you were completely still then you opened them and seemed to see straight through me and say ‘I’m not crazy’  then you fell slack in the teachers arms again and did nothing else”.

My eyebrows pulled into a pinch. “Really” I asked.

She just nodded.

The way she described it reminded me of when I had held Jonathon in my arms and he had done similar things saying stuff like I only have that long and don’t you dare touch her, what he had done, he’d done to save me. And just after that he told me bad people were after him and that he had to run away to be safe from these bad people…

Shit” I say barely making a sound.

It was like a slap in the face, Victor and his gang had been after Jonathon and then after a few days they had found him and now there haunting me just like they did him, they did the same dream, hallucination thing to Jonathon as they did to me just before he…

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