chapter 3

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Authors Note:

Hey guys thanks for waiting for this chapter sorry i was busy, well don't forget to Vote and comment want you think even if you think its bad please tell me I won't mind!



When Jonathon finally came too it was nearly home time here in port maquarie, he kept on insisting that he was ok but he got sent home even though there was only 10 minutes to the bus. Although when he woke I knew he wasn't ok his face was as pale as a ghost he looked scared and aparently kept on asking to see me but i was still in class. But When I arrived his face was full of relief but also concern.

"Are you ok" he asked me before I got the chance to ask him the same question.

"I'm fine your the one I'm worried about"

"I'm good perfectly good nothing bad except for a head ache"

"So are you catching the bus or..." I asked.

"I think I'm going to walk" he said "To clear my head"

He sat up on his bed and crossed his legs.

"I don't think that's a good Idea after all you might end up passing out again" I said.

"Why don't you come with me, I'll enjoy your company" he said.

I pondered on this Idea for a moment and then I finally thought of it as a good time to ask him about what he said when he was in my arms.

"Sure, I'll just text my mum to say that I'm walking" I said.

And with that the bell went and headed out the door.


Jonathan didn't talk much he seemed lost in another world and always seemed to narrow his brows deep in thought. Whenever I tried to ease him into a conversation about what he had said he'd just brush me off and as we kept walking I couldn't help but worry about him something was off and I was going to have to confront him but I'd give him the night to think it over with.

As we parted ways I couldn't help but stare after his muscular figure, those Karate lessons for him must be paying off because he looked in great shape, and his hands those same ones I held today...

I quickly turned away stop it Anna stop crushing on your best friend I mean he's your best friend

So I pushed away those feelings away with a few bangs on the head, they were a bit harder than I anticipated but it did the job. And soon I was pushing open the front door to my house.

"MUM, JANE I'M HOME" I shout as I kick my shoes off.

There was no reply.

I walked further into the house with caution. My sweaty feet squeaked on the floor boards of my two story house. That's when I heard it a crashing followed by a scream a very loud scream.

Adrenalin pumping through my veins I race up the stairs trying to register were the scream came from the kitchen a voice says to me.

I sprint as fast as I think I ever ran then I heard another thing a cackle like an evil witch cackle. I ran harder, faster until I reached the kitchen the image that came to my eyesight was not what I was expecting.

My sister was on the floor rolling around, laughing, actually laughing why would something be funny? I also my mother there she was letting herself smile she wasn't one to show her humorous side.

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