Chapter 2

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August 2022

They were on their way that night, flying to Seoul for the Asian part of the tour. The Seoul concert is happening 6 days from now. They are planning to spend the next few days in Seoul for multiple reasons. It'll give Damon and Iseul some time to meet her friends and family. Mia would be spending time with her soulmate. Thanvi has meetings and schedules with some artists that she is collaborating with for her solo album. Zach and Thanvi also need to attend the HYBE biannual meeting representing their group. It has been a regular event ever since their label, Acme Records, was bought by Bighit in 2019. Now Acme is a subsidiary of HYBE Labels. These meetings normally are held in January and July every year via video call. This is the second time after Covid 19 that they are having the meeting in person. Since all groups were busy in July, they had moved it to August this time.

Sitting next to Mia in their private plane, Thanvi could feel how tense her friend still was. Mia was still upset that her soulmate bailed on her. Mia being so tense made everyone else on the edge too, considering Mia is normally their moodmaker. The 13.5-hour flight was pretty much silent. Mia drank and slept for most of it. Damon and Iseul were discussing their itinerary for their time in Korea. Zach was immersed in his book. And Thanvi mainly worked on her solo music. She still needs to finish her verses for her collaboration with Vernon and Seungkwan. She met them in January during HYBE's biannual meet and immediately hit it off with a few of the Seventeen members. Now she's collaborating with them on two songs- one for her solo album and the other for the performance unit for their group comeback album. If there's one thing Thanvi absolutely loves about her job, it is making music. Whether it's for herself or Dawnlight or someone else doesn't matter. It brings her joy that she can't find words to explain. As they got closer to Incheon, she couldn't help but feel nervous and excited. Something tells her that this visit is gonna be eventful.


The four of them along with their manager and Iseul were walking down the hallway leading to their suites. Although it was a long flight, Thanvi didn't get any sleep during the whole time. She worked on finishing off the songs the whole time. As they neared their rooms, they spotted a tall hooded figure standing next to one of the doors. Alarm bells rang in Thanvi's head thinking that it was a stalker. As the guy turned around, probably noticing their arrival, Mia halted. "Jungkook....." Mia muttered, surprised. Her soulmate looked at her, giving her a nervous smile. "Hi.... How was the flight?" Jungkook asked, taking in the tired form of his soulmate. "What are you doing here?" Mia asked, a little too harshly. Thanvi could feel the others tense up at her friend's tone. "I came to meet my girlfriend whom I missed so much," Jungkook smiled at her cheekily. Mia just just stared at him with a deadpan look. Thanvi could see that Mia was trying to keep it together and not blow up on him in front of them.

Jungkook sighed in defeat, "Ok, I missed my flight. I got caught up in the studio. I didn't mean to miss my flight. I'm really sorry, Mia." he sincerely apologized. Thanvi could see that he was tired too. He was also getting affected by the distance between them. Mia stared at Jungkook for a few seconds more before muttering a "see you guys later" to the rest of them and entering her room. Jungkook bowed to them and followed behind, shutting the door after him. The other 5 breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, everyone understood why Mia was upset, but no one including Thanvi wanted to be caught up in the middle of an argument they all very well knew was coming. After all, they've all witnessed more than once how easily things escalate between these two.

Seeing Mia and Jungkook's relationship gave Thanvi another reason to not wanna find her soulmate. Those two were good friends till last October when they found out about the bond. It was their first time meeting each other in person after they both turned 23. The pandemic had kept them away from each other. Otherwise, they would have found out in September 2020, when Jungkook turned 23. Ever since they found out they were soulmates, things have been weird between them. They are always arguing, and even when they physically are closer, Thanvi feels they are emotionally very distant. It was kinda surprising, considering Jungkook had the biggest crush on Mia since they met. She had tried talking with Mia about it, but she always avoided the subject. At this point, she can only hope Mia will open up to her one day and that she'll be able to help these two. She just wants Mia to be happy. 

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