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I think the moment Hazel agreed to my insane plan, I signed my death certificate, and my bedroom became a coffin. Sleeping beside her will undoubtedly kill me.

I owe this woman nothing. There's no duty that compels me to save her from the scrutiny of the estate or my banishment, but I still bend myself backward for her. This attraction that sparked between us is more powerful than my will. I can't let her go.

She remains seated on the bed with her thighs pressed tightly together and her hands clasped. Her head is lowered and her shoulders are slightly hunched as if she's trying to make herself smaller. Realizing that she's in a cave with a wolf.

Tension fills the room, making it heavy, silent, stiff and awkward. I feel uneasy—a rare emotion for me, because I'm used to having control. But when Hazel is involved, I can't even control my cock. It's erect in my pants, aware of the sexual tension in the room. I remember the softness of Hazel's lips when I took them. Her thin, warm body pressed against mine when I captured her in my arms. The hitch of her breath as I growled disgusting, vile suggestions.

And now I'm taking her into the room where I've dreamt about her. To the bed where I beat my cock to the memory of her.

"Stay here if you want to see your mother," I grit, keeping my body turned to hide my erection. "I will bring her and have your belongings sent to my bedroom."

"My roommate, Gwen, had nothing to do with this. Please don't let her get punished," she pleads.

I walk out without saying another word. Irritated by her selflessness. Why can't she be selfish? Why not make it easier for me to abandon my attraction?

I walk down the halls to meet with Janice to organize the changes. She keeps her composure, but I know that she's as shocked as the rest of the estate by the turn of events. The night will not fall peacefully tonight. Not with all the buzzing rumors.

I call for Hazel's mother and order Janice to supervise Hazel before she tries to jump out of a window. The girl loves to jump borders. Past the walls of the estate, past windows, and past the fucking walls I set up around myself. How did she sneak so close to my heart? There's so much hate in the damn thing I wasn't even sure it still worked properly. I didn't know I could fucking love.

Once I set arrangements, I head to my office and call Walker.

"You're late," is the first thing he says when he picks up. "You were supposed to call me an hour ago."

"My estate has become a mess. I hope yours is calmer."

He grumbles under his breath. "I'm coming to your estate, Ronan. There are things we have to talk about, and I have reason to believe my communication lines have been compromised. We must speak in person."

"Compromised?" I frown.

"Yes." That's all he says.

"Very well. The guards will open the gates when you arrive. I'll have whiskey prepared for you."

He chuckles. "You know me too well."

"Of course I do, you ugly bastard. I had to share a fucking bunk bed with you in the barracks."

We fall silent as we think of the beginning. Before the war, before the experiments, before we became lords of our estates. We were just two young men training to be soldiers. And then we signed up for the horrific experiments that changed everything. Scarred our faces. Bombed our bodies with testosterone, making us grow taller and muscled. Made us quick to temper. Even gave us longer, thicker cocks to reproduce and pass this curse onto our children.

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