Dinner time.

Regulus was getting ready for dinner, he was planning on skipping it but Evan and barty convinced him, Regulus tied the laces to his shiny black boots and stood up dusting himself off.

Regulus had been noticing that Evan and Barty kept avoiding eye contact with eachother, and once one of them walked into the room the other would leave. Regulus was suspicious and quite nosy so he had to know what was going on, Barty walked into the room to get his other shoes and Evan got up to leave, but before he could exit-

"Right that's enough, Evan don't you dare leave." Regulus said.
"Huh? What." Evan said, avoiding to look Regulus in the eye. Regulus could be very intimidating sometimes, maybe it was cause of the dark magic he knew?

Regulus crossed his arms and looked at Evan then Barty, then back to Evan.
"Would one of you fucking tell me what's going on?" Regulus groaned. Barty crossed his arms and gave Evan a look, Erevan curled his lips and looked down.
"Well-" Barty stared.
"We nearly shagged a couple days ago." The words slipped out Evan's mouth.
"Oh. OH?" Regulus was bare shocked. "Wait a damn minute? Is that why Barty got the massive ass hickey on his neck?" Regulus asked.
"Uh, maybe?" Barty answered.
"Wait so are you guys dating or what?" Regulus said.
"Well-" Evan started.
"-No."Barty laughed.

Regulus looked at Evan and saw the pain in his eyes.
"It was just for fun, you know?" Barty said.

After what Barty said, Regulus nodded hesitantly and Evan left, Barty stayed but Regulus was disgusted with him and couldn't say a word. He grabbed his things and left early so he could stop by the library.

Regulus was taking deep breaths and walking to the library, oh god he felt so bad for Evan.
Regulus pushed through the group of people standing outside the library, only to realise who it was after he pushed them.

"Oi watch where you're goin' mate." Sirius shouted.
"Fuck right off." Regulus rolled his eyes and tried to keep walking, Sirius grabbed his wrist and swung him back "Who the fuck do ya think your taking to?" Sirius spat.
"Oh my god! No don't hurt me, my little angel." Regulus sarcastically said, Sirius narrowed his eyes and gripped harder "Right then." Sirius said.
Regulus gave Sirius a nasty look before entering the library, what the hell just happened? Regulus thought. His brother can learn to piss off.

Since winter break has just finished the trauma is Still stuck in Regulus's head. The sound of Sirius' screams when he was cursed, the sounds of glass being thrown, the doors slamming shut, Sirius pushing past Regulus to run into his room, Regulus covered in his brothers sweet blood.

The truth is Sirius wanted Regulus to come with him but Regulus was too afraid, Regulus just doesn't like to remember that since it makes him paint himself as a bad person.

That night was horrible and weeks later Regulus can't get it out his head, he remember everything so clearly.

(The past: the previous christmas.)
They were sitting at the dinner table when suddenly Walburga sighed, "Sirius, you need to know that if you keep acting foolish you will be punished."
"How am I acting 'foolish'!?" Sirius laughed.
"Oh come on. You don't think I'd find out you were hanging out with that 'Potter' boy?"

Walburga slammed her fists down on the table, the table shaking and her glass falling over.
Sirius stayed quiet, this wasn't a joke anymore.

Walburga  stood up angrily and grabbed Sirius' wrist, she pulled him into the small closet by the stairs, she pulled out her wand and pointed it to his head.
"If you don't stop talking back! Sirius Orion black I swear I will.."
"Will what?" Sirius mumbled.
"What was that?" Walburga screamed, she pushed him against the wall and her eyes full of evil.

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