Quidditch rivals

Dorcas's dark smooth skin was oily and nice, her hair in neat knot less braids, her silver lip ring shiny, her slim hands and calm energy, her strong French accent. She was the perfect girl for Marlene.

Marlene barely knew who she was, she wanted to know her story. But Marlene did something wrong , oh so wrong.

She hit Dorcas of her broom last week in the quidditch game, and since then  Dorcas gave her dirty looks.

Marlene wanted to speak to her, to apologise, to say "Oh hey I've seen you around I think you're pretty cool." Or something along those lines, but she was scared.

Marlene used to be a scared shy girl who would always get scared of shouting, it reminded her of home. But now he's a confident popular nice girl, quidditch is her life, she wants to be pro like her brother.

Marlene got up early for training, it was 6am, he rubbed her eyes and undid her 2 braids. Lily and Mary were still asleep, Marlene stumbled out of bed pushing over a few things here and there. Marlene yawned as she got clothes out her dresser, James must be on the field by now.

She grabbed some deodorant and sprayed it, she brushed her teeth and left.

As she guessed she was the 2nd there, James was already there, where's Sirius? Maybe she should ask him.
"Where's Sirius?" She asked hesitantly.
"Oh you know, not feeling the best." James said, his hands fidgeting.
"Oh, ahaha. Hope he gets better soon." Marlene said, awkwardly.
James nodded and it seems as though not much people wanted to come to practice today, it was just Marlene and James but since it was snowing they let everyone off.

James and Marlene couldn't be bothered doing much so they just flew around and chased eachother.

When James was chasing Marlene he noticed something in the corner of his eye, a figure standing watching them, when they were about to land the figure walked away.

James and Marlene packed up and went back to their dorms, when Marlene got back Lily and Mary were sitting on her bed waiting for her, Lily with her arms crossed and Mary with disgust on her face, Marlene was confused until she saw her diary in Mary's hands.

"Mary..." Marlene said, scared of what they might've found.

"You like that Slytherin girl? Are you stupid, She's a Slytherin for crying out loud!" Mary spat.

"And what? You can't change that can you." Marlene said, crossing her arms and looking at her feet, her legs were shaking and wobbly.

"You know what the Slytherins call Lily! You can't be serious." Mary argued.

"She's not one of 'em though." Mary said, she knew she had been caught. But it's not like Dorcas is one of them though, Dorcas would never say that, Dorcas seemed nice although she barely talked or said anything.

Marlene went up to the bed, she pushed Mary down and grabbed her diary back and spat at her "Never you fucking touch my things again Macdonald." Her Scottish accent heavy.

"Mary gasped and looked at Lily to which Lily curled her lips and looked away."

Marlene stormed out and into the common room to which she saw Remus, in first year she helped him with his Reading and spelling since it was hard for him. The tears swam down her face, "Woah, Woah what's wrong McKinnon?" Remus said, Since he was Welsh her name was always pronounced differently by him.

Marlene never said anything and instead held onto him in a tight hug, "they read through my fucking-" she could breath and started gasping for air, she slammed the book down on the floor. Remus just held her tight then let go, Marlene looked up at him she was quite short and Remus was EXTREMELY tall.

"Cmon let's talk about it." Remus said leading her onto the couch.
"I fancy this Slytherin lass and they kept shouting at me for it! I don't even know why they read it." Marlene cried.
"Oh, that's well unfair if they're reading through your things." Remus said.
"Yeah..." Marlene said sniffling, wiping her eyes
"If you ever needing anything just tell me, maybe a good smoke?" Remus said, nodding to which she nodded back.
"Thanks Lupin, tell me if you need any help with Sirius." She winked, standing up and walking out the common room, Remus could feel his face go red once she said that.

Remus's head swam with thoughts, does he fancy Sirius and not even know it? Shit. Maybe he should speak to him? No way, Sirius is struggling with his brother and Sirius is definitely straight. It's hard being gay in the 70s.

Remus left the great hall at 7 and went to the astronomy tower, most people were still eating.
To his surprise Marlene was already there, they returned smiles.

"Knew you'd be up here." Marlene laughed, she looked upset.
!"Mhm." Remus smiled, "so what are you up here for?" He asked.

"Something, strong. Just enough so when I end up in my dorm Mary and Lily know to fuck right off, I don't even think it was Lily, Lily wouldn't do that." Marlene said.

"Yeah, don't think Lily is like that." Remus agreed.
Remus reached into his bag, grabbed a rolled joint from his bag, it was in a box.

He grabbed a lighter and they peacefully smoked away. Their eyes red, the back of their throats sore and scratchy, their noses blocked.

"Shit." Marlene said, coughing.
"I probably shouldn't have gave you that." Remus said.

Marlene kept giggling and giggling.

They stumbled down the stairs, Marlene swinging around and laughing. When they got back to the common room it was nearly half past 9. Who knows how they didn't get caught, Marlene walked into the room sitting on the bed straight away.
Lily and Mary were sitting Mary's bed with their girly magazines open.

"Uhm Marlene?" Lily said.

Marlene rubbed her eyes completely unaware of them.

"Marleneee?" Lily said, her voice concerned.

Marlene looked at them and started giggling, "uh huh yeah?" She laughed.

"Marlene, tell me what you were just doing." Mary said.

"As if you care Mary, no hearted bitch." Marlene said rolling her eyes.

Mary scoffed and walked up to her, slapping her.
Mary's curly hair bounced as she walked, she was a gorgeous mixed race lovely girl, she was usually the sweetest sole but she would do anything to protect Lily.

All three of them in that room knew that Marlene is stronger, and definitely knows how to fight unlike Mary who wouldn't ever get her nail polish scraped of, well except from now.

Marlene stood up and slapped Mary right in face, to which Mary gasped and slapped her back. Marlene punched her right in the head which made Mary fall to the ground.

"Marlene that's enough!" Lily screamed as she pulled Marlene back, "Look Marls I love you and I know now that Mary must be sorry, and I really don't mind if you like Dorcas it's just I don't know if she's like the rest or not..." Lily said, words flooding out her mouth.

Marlene turned around to face Lily still in her arms, she put her head on her shoulder and let herself cry.

"I'm so high right now Lils" Marlene cried.

"I know, I know." Lily laughed.

Mary stood up and walked out, who knows where since it is past curfew.

"Have you been high before?" Marlene stupidly asked.

"Many times, you know me and Remus are quite close." Lily laughed.

No better duo than a twink and a ginger.

If there's any mistakes please tell me🤍

Words: 1292🌖

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