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The weekend with her big sisters had been a blast. Bree loved when they visited, it was always fun to catch up with them. Daddy and momma loved it too and this time, momma didn't even complain about 'how her two oldest were living their lives' as Bree thought of it. Those were always pretty bad, because momma would start in on one or the both of them and they would argue right back.

It always hurt Bree's stomach when they argued like that. She had this fear, irrational though it might be, that her sisters would one day leave and just not come back. She always wanted to tell momma to stop, but she could never muster up the nerve.

Now, here she was, back in school after an amazing weekend. Everyone expected her to miss a few days what with her broke fingers but Bree liked going to school. She had a near perfect attendance record. Plus, she wasn't at home alone with her momma. Daddy was still on second shift and would be gone to work when Bree got home. It would just be her and momma...home...alone.

She really did like school. Liked being with her friends, liked going to class and really liked volleyball practice, which she knew the coaches would want her to take it easy because of her injury. But, she could still help out.

Bree had come back to school almost a hero. Her team had lost majorly, as had been expected, but some were saying if she had been there, it might not have been so bad. Bree doubted that very much, but it was nice to hear.

Bree was well liked in school, she was pretty, sweet and funny, but still shy around those she didn't know well. The teachers loved her, she was studious and attentive and well behaved. Her grades were excellent and the school might even bump her up a grade in some classes she had been informed.

She was now in between classes and at her locker, changing out her books for the next class. When she closed her locker, she let out a yelp of surprise. Carl Heady was standing there in front of her, looking at her and smiling the cutest smile.


Patricia did her usual chores around the house while Charlie was at work and Bree was at school. She took stock of the fridge and the pantry and made a list of what she would need when she went to the grocery store when Charlie was off and she could use the truck.

She had laundry to take care of and she wanted to pick some tomatoes out of her garden for supper later. She also wanted to get started on the peach cobbler for dessert, it was Bree and Charlie's favorite.

She thought about her youngest child and smiled. She knew that Bree preferred being at school rather than being at home alone with her.

Patricia could be hard on all three of her girls, but she tried not to poke and prod Bree too much. But after raising Samantha and Ashley through their teen years it wasn't easy.

Samantha and Ashley had butted heads with her it seemed the entire time. They hadn't been bad kids, just high strung. Like their mother had been with her mother.

They pulled some doosies back then. Like the time Samantha, at sixteen had gotten caught in a fire tower out in the woods by the game warden. She had been with Amelia Parker's sixteen year old son, half naked and with a bottle of wine. The whole town had known what they were doing.

Samantha had argued that Patricia was only angry because it had been an embarrassment to the family. And it had been, that particular tale had stuck around for a good while, but the real reason was because Patricia was scared to death one or, God forbid, both of her girls might get pregnant and get stuck in Green's Point like so many other girls.

Her older daughters antics in their teens was why she wasn't allowing Breeanna to date until she was sixteen. But, the thing about that was Bree was nothing like her older sisters.

Never Enough Tomorrows: A Zombie Apocalypse Novel By Christopher Hugh Mills.Where stories live. Discover now