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My dreams of getting to Tokyo in peace and quiet have sunk into the abyss.

Oh, some weird exam has started. We were divided into groups and forced to hold consultations in one room for an hour. There's Ichinose here, so she's trying to cheer everyone up and get them to play cards. Actually, this is her strategy, but I don't mind. Although I've already lost, so now I just have to watch the rest of the game.

I could have watched the situation of one of my classmates, but I was interested to see how Morofuji was coping. Fortunately, she's sitting right to my right, so I have no problem looking at her cards. At first she tried to hide them from my sight, but I let her know that everything was fine. Anyway, now I've moved a little closer to her and I'm thinking about a strategy.

I wonder if I help her win, would it be the right thing to do? Moreover, personal points are at stake here. Of course, there are those who refused to participate of their own free will, but there were also those who simply did not want to spend their own personal points. In this case, Ichinose offered to pay a minimum fee of 500 points for them. It's pretty friendly of her, especially since the money is still small.

Naturally, my nonexistent conscience forced me to use my own private points. I still hate myself for it, but the choice has already been made, so nothing can be changed.

"So, do you want to raise the stakes?"

"That's right."

"I'm right behind you."

"That's what they call excitement."

"Eh, I'm moving out."

Almost all the remaining participants decided to go all the way. But Morofuji was a little slow, although it would soon be her turn to answer.

– What should I do..?

She whispered it softly, as if to herself, but I can hear everything. So is this a request for help after all? Well, after that, I'll definitely have to help her. I hope she won't be confused by the fact that I lost earlier.

– Add more points.

– Huh??

I pointed out to her directly what to do, not even hiding the fact that I was staring at her cards. Morofuji noticed this and was surprised, her mouth opened quite wide and her eyes stared at me. It lasted a few seconds before she blinked a couple of times and seemed to return to her senses. After that, this girl did as I said.

Good girl... I mean tool, yeah.

– Can you play well?

– I think so.

She seemed to have forgotten or not even noticed that I had already lost my bet. Well, that's okay, now I can take revenge.

So, we walked forward together while the other participants dropped out one by one. Some people noticed that I was helping Morofuji with the game and looked in my direction with not the best looks. However, no one has stopped me yet, so my actions probably don't contradict the rules of the game.

– Well, this is unexpected, isn't it?

– Ah.. mm...

– I suppose.

Before Morofuji could say a word in response to Ichinose's amused or even gambling look, I decided to intervene. In the end, I can also be considered a full-fledged participant in this game.

– I guess you were just unlucky that time, Ayanokoji–kun?

– Who knows.

Of course, I wasn't particularly lucky, but none of them even suspects that everything was going exactly as I planned. I wanted to get out of the game at an early stage in order to observe the rest of the participants, but from the position of a loser. However, for some reason, I wanted to lend a helping hand to the helpless girl next to me. And so I began to participate in the game again, but this time much more seriously.

– We're not breaking any rules, are we?

– No, of course not. Moreover, Morofuji-san really needed help, so you did the right thing.

That's right, she needs good guidance to make everything go smoothly. Moreover, a person like Ichinose cannot suddenly announce at the very end of the game that we did the wrong thing. Even if the others agreed with her, her own morality would still be an obstacle. And it is quite possible that we will even win in the end, then she will not have a chance to blame us, because she will have to admit defeat.

With these thoughts in mind, I directed almost every action of the girl next to me. She obediently followed every step and in the end it brought us victory.

– Ha... yeah, you did a great job, Ayanokoji-kun, Morofuji-san.

I've heard some of the other students in the room whispering behind our backs about this situation, but there's no point in reacting to that. I just patted Morofuji on the shoulder, after which she turned to me with surprise or even almost shock in her eyes.

– Did we.. win..??

– Yes. Great job.

It's hard to believe that she defeated them all, but it's true. Of course, I helped, but that's another matter. Well, it should be noted that this girl is much more difficult in a social environment than when I talked to her one-on-one. Well, I guess that's normal for people who are not used to large groups of people.

– So, I'm going to transfer your private points to you now. Should I split them equally between you?

– I believe that Ayanokoji-kun...

– Transfer all Morofuji's points, she deserves it.

But before Morofuji could say something she might regret, I decided to speak up. In response, this girl received the status of shock because of my words.

– W-what..? Am I..?

– If it wasn't for your direct participation, there would have been no victory.

– But after all...

– I only helped a little, and before that I personally lost my game, so everything is nominal.

– Uumm...

Even though she couldn't answer anything, I knew it was hard for her to agree with me. In any case, she soon received the promised private points. However, I was also not left without a gift. After a while, when it was over and we went to our cabins, I received a message from this girl. And at the same time, my personal account was replenished with private points, the same amount that I lost today.

Ayanokoji-kun, please forgive me for writing about this just now. At that moment, it was difficult for me to collect my thoughts after everything that had happened. Even though you said that I earned everything on my own, but you still helped me a lot. I'm not sure if you'll take half in this case, as you should, or even more, but I'm definitely sure that I should return at least the initial bet to you.

– I see. Well, thanks, I guess.


I sent a reply message in the form of a heart emoji. This is the absolute norm in modern society, if I understood correctly. This is how people can express affection, love, or simple gratitude. At least Kushida was constantly using similar things in chats with our classmates.

In the next few seconds, I saw a gradual colon icon next to Morofuji's name, meaning that she was typing something back to me. As a result, it turned out to be an accumulation of one letter of different keys. But what does it mean? Is this a reaction to that heart? Although it's hard to say.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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