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The day after that strange night, Tom had not spoken to Ivy at all, nor had he even glanced at her, to which Ivy returned the same energy, but sometimes she could swear that occasionally she would feel a familiar stare penetrating through her, but when she would glance around, she would see nothing. Feel nothing. 

Not only did she behave in this manner with Tom, but also towards Fleamont. Unexpectedly, Fleamont was behaving similarly. He had not come up to her once, and whenever he would see her, he would walk away in the opposite direction and avoid eye contact.

Days turned into weeks without communicating with one another. Sometimes, when she would be lying in bed, she would reflect back to that night, wondering what had happened. 

A lot had happened. 

The quarrel between her and Fleamont. That odd interaction between her and Riddle. She was confused with herself. Why had she not screamed, pulled her hair out, and sobbed that he was alive? Living. Breathing. Why? Why did she allow him to get closer and her to reciprocate? Was Fleamont right? Was she really a whore? Was it really the firewhisky, or was it just her consciousness all along? 

Either way, she was relieved that nothing transcended them doing something regretful. Something that would cause immense guilt to eat her up inside.


It was a day before Christmas break and Ivy was sitting in the Slytherin common room, a book in her hands as she peacefully read beside the fireplace. She relished the crispy scent it emitted as well as the warmth. 

Just as she was about to turn the page, someone shoved a piece of paper in her face, causing her to lean back and raise her gaze from her book to give the person a glare. 

A grin was plastered across Alphard's face as he shoved the letter further, causing Ivy to snatch it from his hand.

"What is this?" She inquired as she held out the paper.

"It's for you." Alphard answered.

"For me?" He nodded. "Well, who's it from?"

"It's from Dumbledore. I was in the corridor on my way here until he stopped me and called me over to give me that." He said, pointing a finger at the paper in her hands. "He requested that I provide it to you. It's important, apparently. Well, are you going to open it?"

From Dumbledore? What could it possibly be? Ivy unfolded the paper and skimmed through the written words with furrowed brows.

"Well?" When Alphard saw her put the letter down, he asked, "What did it say?"

"That he's found a place for me to stay during Christmas break." She muttered in confusion. She turned to face Alphard. "I thought that we could stay at Hogwarts?"

"We were before, but old Dippet is still scared that the school isn't safe and the reputation and all, so he sends us home." He kissed his teeth. "How infuriating."

"Isn't safe?" Ivy repeated.

"I assume you're aware of the incident that occurred a year ago or so?" In return, she gave a nod of approval. "As a result, we're unable to stay in Hogwarts during Christmas break." He laughed breathily. "I possibly can't wait to see my loving family." Alphard then stood up, stretching. "I believe you have to see Dumbledore, no?"

Ivy nodded and stood. "See you." 

Alphard waved goodbye as she made her way out of the common room.

When she stood before Dumbledore's office, Ivy took a deep breath in and raised her hand to knock, but before she could knock, the door snapped wide open, revealing a tall figure.

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