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Aora sat on top of a hospital bed in a lone room, the walls and lights a blinding white and she was thankful the nurse made her sister stay behind in the waiting room.

She held a thick piece of cloth to her left arm, staring off across from herself with a blank expression - she couldn't remember the time and she couldn't read the clock with roman numerals hanging up high on the wall.

The door pushes open and a man with a beautiful face enters, a gentle smile adorning his features as the door clicks closed behind himself.

"Aora White?" His voice asks in a soft tone, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared down at her, watching as she nodded her head.

"My name is Carlisle Cullen, I will be your doctor for this evening - may I?" He introduces himself, one of his hands outreaching towards the cloth on her arm and she nods again.

Carlisle pulls up the piece of cloth from her arm, his smile faltering slightly as he stares down at the large slice in her flesh, the blood still pouring out of it profusely.

He presses the cloth back to her skin, holding it there and looking back towards her face, a questioning look in his eyes.

"Do you do this often?" Carlisle questions in a quiet voice and Aora thinks that he must be able to sing in some way with how musical his voice sounded.

"Every so often, sometimes more," She answers honestly, looking away from the burning honey swimming in his irises - she wasn't going to gain anything by lying.

Carlisle remains silent for a long minute, pulling up the cloth once more and observing the wound for a longer amount of time.

"You almost hit your vein." Aora's fingers twitch to his words, she swallows thickly and her eyes move to where his were inspecting.

It felt strange admitting to herself that the large gash on her arm made her feel comforted, realising that after this she wouldn't need to hurt herself for a while, considering how bad it looks she assumed it was going to take a few weeks to heal.

Her eyes were still puffy and red from how much she was crying earlier, knowing that - without a doubt - the next time she decides to look in the mirror her face wouldn't look like her own.

"Can you tell me what caused you to do this today?" Carlisle's eyes burnt holes into her face, his tone soft like one a father would have and also professional like a doctors - and Aora found herself wishing her own father could speak to her in that same gentle voice.

living corpse - twilightWhere stories live. Discover now