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Aora wasn't a hundred percent sure why Mike Newton had added her into his plans to go to the movies with Bella but now she was stuck having to go out on a weekend, when all she really wanted to do was lay in her bed all day.

She swore she was seconds away from strangling Mike when he said she'd come after Bella previously showed hesitation in agreeing, his eyes flickering over to Aora with a desperate expression - it was embarrassing. She allowed him to string her along because she was embarrassed for him.

Jessica basically hated Aora at this point, always excluding her from their conversations now (not that she cared) and shooting her cold stares but she just ignored her - there was no use in getting mad at her and having a fight.

Aora lets out a long breath of air from her mouth, her sister sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee and paperwork held between her fingers, her eyes scanning over the page through the lense of her glasses.

"I've never asked before, what's your job?" Aora's voice was layered with curiosity, her chin pressing into the palm of her hand as she leaned against it, staring at her older sisters focused expression.

Francis looks up from the paperwork she was reading over, one of her brows raising.

"Office worker - you didn't get that from the outfits I wear whenever I go to work?" Aora smiles and shrugs her shoulders, fingers tracing the lines of the wood on the table.

"I don't really focus on you enough to notice what you wear, no offence." Francis places a hand over her chest with a gasp.

"I'm offended!" She jokes, dramatically moving a hand to her forehead and Aora laughs.

"Oh, yeah, I have to go to the movies with my friend later today, could I borrow like twenty bucks?" Aora asks her sister, tongue darting out to wet her lips.

"Movies? Friends? You've really grown up." Aora reaches out a hand to slap her sisters shoulder, Francis dodging her hit.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you use twenty, just get it out of my purse," She laughs, swatting away Aora's hand and focusing on her work again.

The hours passed by quickly and in no time, Aora stood in front of the body lengthed mirror on the back of her bedroom door.

Her outfit was basic, long sleeves and pants to hide herself from the cold and to also hide the layers of scars she had scattered on her limbs, her curls a layered mess around her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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