The Party

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              Alexander escorted Paige back to the Party, where there were many of her school mates and some friends. The community of Charming Heights was also invited, like the sheriff and his family, the town Mayor, deputies, and the Principal. All of them attended of course, it is the most highlighted event of the year as no one can just go and visit Blackburn Hall uninvited. Most of the community has never in their life attended a party as elegant as one that is happening right now. Most of the students on Paige's grade level and class have been invited, although not everyone is close to her or is friendly to her. Some girls are even envious of her circumstance, and some have even bullied her at a point of her life. But, being very kind hearted and understanding, Paige did not mind them, but she did not put herself out as a pushover and instead gave as good as what she got when it comes to their bullying that is why they eventually stop and in the end respected who she is. It was not the case with the boys; most of them have tried to be close to Paige so they can date her and find out what is her role with the Blackburn Family. Many have tried but their efforts were rebuffed as first, Paige is not allowed to date and be close to boys, second she at her age is not really interested with dating as she has her goals and third, Amelia informed her that dating is not allowed yet and she needs to ask permission from Alexander as he will become head of the family. For Paige, asking Alexander's permission is weird, as it's her personal life, but Amelia said that any outsider from the family except Anne is dangerous and can expose them, so Paige thought she must mean business secrets or anything about the company.

One particular boy named Brandon, was not really happy when his efforts to be her boyfriend was turned down by Paige, but at the very least she has consented to be his date on the Prom. When Paige did not know was that Brandon was hiding a terrible personality, with being one of the low key popular guys in school, no girl have ever turned him down or chased his attention except Paige. So at the Prom party, he planned on teaching her a lesson she will never forget, but right now he will play at being a friend to her and to seemed to be the good person that he let everyone see on the outside. It will not be hard, as he had played this game very well with someone before and the outcome was so satisfying that he relived the moment that girl realized what his nature truly is. Paige was enjoying the party so much that she was not aware that there was a predator that lurks among the guests watching her. Her laughter and her glowing shine within have beckoned and lured in this danger. While the guests were treated to expensive wine and food, with small tokens of appreciation to bring home. The toast for the celebrant has started at the earlier part of the party and have been doing its round from family to close friends.

Alexander had an uneasy feeling half way through the party, like a faint evil energy is coming from the guests but he cannot pinpoint exactly where it is. He has been on the lookout now for quite some time but it is evading him and seems to know that he was looking for it. This kind of evil is like a parasite, where it latches on someone who already has a propensity for it, the question is, who had it latched on to. It was almost past midnight and the party is already almost over. He can see that Paige is yawning her way through most of her conversation. So he decided to make a closing speech, then have everybody start going home.

"Hello, Everyone! The night is not getting any younger and we all know that everything has an end. So I am thanking everyone for being here today in celebrating with us Paige's birthday." Alexander announced with the microphone on his hand. "Before you go, drop by the side door to get your memento of this occasion. Please don't miss it as there is something very special inside. Thank you and Good night!" after the speech everybody got up and went to the exit doors while stopping to get their souvenirs. When the guests opened their small bag the gasped as they have received a small gold coin with Paige's silhouette carved delicately on it surface. The coin had heaviness to it suggesting that it was real gold in grams, all of the guests could not believe their eyes, and even Paige as it was definitely a surprise to her what that was, all thanks to Amelia which she will have to remind herself to thank later.

"Amelia, thank you so much for the gifts to the guests. Paige said while approaching Amelia who was standing by the doorway.

"It was Alexander my dear. He had it designed in Italy and shipped here in Blackburn Hall." She said with a smile on her face.

"How kind of him and what a great gift." Paige said, resolving to thank Alexander later in private after all the guests have already gone. As the last of the guests have already departed, Paige was sitting on one of the tables that were not yet being disassembled by the staff. She was thinking on what to say to Alexander for that big gift and also she wants to ask him why he had given her those. She was really happy that her party was a success and although she is missing her parents even if she did not really remember them, she always have their pictures for reference. She was interrupted in her reverie by a voice calling out her name.

"Paige my dear, you know frowning makes you look older than your age." Alexander said walking to her table and sitting on one of the empty chairs.

"I am just trying to reminisce my party and thought of my parents." Paige said quietly, looking at Alexander. "I am also thinking of what to say to you, about the souvenirs for the guests."

"That is fine, no need to thank me. He said. "By the way, this is my personal gift to you." He said while extending out his hands, wherein lies a medium sized red box tied black ribbon.

"Another gift I see, isn't it too much, you have given me all those for the guests." Paige said surprised with Alexander's gesture. She was touched actually. Because she did not believe that he cared for her. He was always evasive whenever he is at the mansion, not letting himself spend more time with her.

"Don't worry it won't bite you." He said, urging her to get the box from his outstretched hands.

Paige opened the box and therein lied the most beautiful and expensive amethyst necklace she has ever seen and even owned. The necklace itself is white gold with the amethyst pendant shaped like a flower. The stone was bigger than normal, like the "heart of the sea" in the Titanic movie where her celebrity crush Leonardo DiCaprio starred in. Her mouth formed an "O" shape and she was definitely speechless for a few minutes.

"It's so beautiful Alexander; I don't know what to say." Paige said still struck by the beauty of the gift.

"You don't have to say anything, just accept my personal gift as it comes from my heart." Alexander said with a very charming smile on his face. "I want you to wear it on your Prom night."

"Yes, I will wear it on Prom. Thank you very much for this gift." Paige said and put on a chaste kiss on his cheeks, but was shocked because she felt a faint electrical sparked between them.

Alexander was shocked as well, because he did not expect Paige to give him a peck on the cheeks. "I look forward to see you then, but I must retire, jet lag and all that." Was all he can say while retreating to the house. The sparked between them was a surprise to him, and her reaction was definitely a sign that she is almost of age. Paige will now start to experience different things between them, but yet she is still not yet mature enough to handle her destiny. So Alexander need to be patient and will allow her to still explore what is outside Charming Heights as that is only fair for her.

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