Going Home

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              Exiting from the room, Alexander steered Paige away from the others by tugging at her hand and leading her to his room at the third floor of the castle. He wanted to have some quality time with his Fiancé and discuss what they will do with the information that they currently have. He had been away from home and his responsibilities for more than a month now that he cannot ignore it much longer, he needed to go home and take Paige with him. They sat at the lounge area in his room to begin discussing on how to prepare to go back to the US.

"I need to go back home my dear because of my overdue responsibilities, Cousin Alosious is already complaining of my absence and his extra work." He began. "I need you to join me upon my return, the family will be most happy to see you come home at last."

"I will be happy to go home, but I need to bring my research work to finish it because my graduation will be in four months time." She said. "I also need to close the house in London because we have not done anything before we left hurriedly."

"We can manage that right now I will send a team to process that as soon as we confirm when we will leave here." He answered. "Would three days be enough before we can leave?"

"Will Anne join us when we leave here?" She asked. She half knew the answer but she was hoping it was not.

"I believe she may need to stay here more than what the two of you originally planned. Knowing that she is the mate of the future alpha of the werewolf kingdom, you cannot separate the two anymore for even just a few minutes." He said.

"You're right they need to be with each other to bond more and that would be the same with us right? She asked.

"That's correct; we do know each other but not yet at the most deeper level like we don't know each other's secrets yet." He said.

"Oh do you have many secrets that I need to know?" She said in a low voice not meaning for him to hear it, but being a vampire he heard it none the less.

"My dear you can't imagine how many and how dark that you might run away from knowing just one." He said his eyes darkening. "But of course I will break it to you one at a time so you will not feel overwhelmed, I can't afford you running away from me."

"Three days would be fine and it would just be enough time to put our affairs here in order, maybe we can learn more and it might help us know our involvement on this issue with the werewolves." She said.

"I am really hoping to get any information that can help us because we need to know who our enemies are, we cannot just go blind in this fight." He said in a very concerned tone.

"I have a feeling that more revelations will come now that Lady Lidia is here, since she is the seer and whatever happened to her have a connection to this unknown enemy that we have." She said.

"What I want to know is why we are also targeted in this because it has been a long time since we vampires have any skirmishes with other super naturals." He said "Our family has been very peaceful now, focusing only on making sure that the whole clan is protected and have all that they need."

"You know that there will always be someone who has a problem with everybody, you cannot really get rid of that." She said

"I know because we really do have many enemies both in human and supernatural form. Also we need to go back now as nobody knows I have been out of the country for more than a month now only our immediate family." He said.

"Honestly I really want to go home for some time now but I want to prove myself first and learn everything before going back and take on my responsibilities with the family. I did not expect that I would become your soul mate." She said.

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