Questions and Answers

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After their breakfast, both Paige and Anne were escorted by Higgins to the den where Alexander and Ruthger was waiting for them. Both men stood up as they entered, they were in deep conversation when it got interrupted due to their entrance. Paige walked to the chair beside where Alexander was sitting, because being near him just makes her feel that she is very safe at the moment. Anne chose to sit beside Paige still not trusting her feelings when it comes to Ruthger because she just met him and in a situation that is not that positive.

"Before we start, I believe it is a good idea if we get ourselves some refreshments at the side table over there because this meeting might take a whole day." Alexander began. Standing up he led the way to the side table and got him a mug of coffee. As everyone stood up to get their preferred beverage, he observed Paige's emotions right now and found that she seem more calm than usual. Not knowing if this was a defense mechanism or the effects of a good night sleep and some good food from what happened yesterday, he certainly hope that this won't have a lasting negative effect on her, once everyone was settled, they began the meeting.

"You both can ask any questions that you have in your mind, I know that what happened yesterday was something out of a horror movie, but sadly it is our reality, just hidden but it still did happen." Alexander began.

"What was that thing? It looked like a cross between a bird and a dinosaur. I can't believe that something like that existed." Anne asked incredulity in her voice.

"The creature that you have encountered yesterday is actually an ancient being created to track and kill its intended prey, they are called Virlogs." Ruthger answered her. "Most of them can only exist in the Plane of Darkness. It's a dimension where powerful dark beings contain these creatures and summon them at their behest. They existed here on earth before, but when the population of men increased, they were hunted and killed until nothing was left. The reason why they were summoned we can only guess because we don't have the facts right now."

"So what you are saying is the attack yesterday was intentional, that one of us was a target?" Anne said while shaking her head and nodding on Ruthger's direction, she can't believe that these kind of beings existed.

"The question is why they attacked us; we are only normal girls, nor mal human beings just having a fun time celebrating a birthday." Paige stated.

"What do you mean birthday? Whose birthday you were celebrating?" Alexander asked concern on his voice.

"It was Anne's twenty fourth birthday yesterday, we were celebrating." Paige said.

"Maybe that is why, I was able to identify her Alexander, and she is on her peak of the claim that is why her scent was so strong." Ruthger exclaimed, while looking directly at him.

"Now that you mentioned it, it now dawned on me that everything is not a coincidence after all." He said to Ruthger. Finally realizing that this might be connected to the claim and the prophecy that has to do with the Moontrose Clan. "The question is who is doing all these attacks?"

"What do you mean the claim and a prophecy? Why are the two of us involved in this?" Paige asked the both of them.

"The claim is when two soul mates find each other and become bonded to each other as one. A destined mate is the other half of a complete couple; once the claim is complete they will become one, their strength and their weakness is both a burden that they will bear. When they are strong they will experience it together, while when they are weak they will feel it as well." Alexander said to her. "A claim done between both of that individual, it is some kind of a pull between each other that they cannot deny. An attraction so strong that to deny it is to make either of them go mad. This is likened to the mating ritual that humans do, like marriage and mating, but to us it is more on the physical side."

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