Blackburn Hall

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Paige was lounging on one of the bigger seats in the private jet; she was really exhausted for the past three days. Ever since her attempted kidnapping, she has not recovered yet and is still feeling the effects of what happened. The only consolation was Alexander made good on his promise of not leaving her alone, that his constant presence have been some kind of security for her that she can now sleep normally at night. Coming home to Blackburn will surely ease her sense of being watched; hopefully those responsible for what happened would not dare do it at the Hall. Going home is also one way of finding out that the real target was on all these attacks and to what is their purpose. As of now she was glad to be back home and to concentrate on finishing on her research paper then after to start doing her responsibilities for the family. Alexander had already informed Amelia that he was coming back with Paige, there would be a family meeting a day after they arrive so they can already rest first then update the family on what is happening for the past few weeks.

The jet had touched down just after four in the afternoon, when Paige looked out the window she saw that there were people waiting for them at the private airfield where they have landed. It was a full twenty minutes before they can disembark, and when they were on stable ground again she can clearly see that it was most of the staff that was waiting for them. Both of them piled inside one car with their luggage and most of the staff on the other big car where they fit themselves in even if we have offered them a place in the one we were using. The ride mostly took around forty five minutes to reach Blackburn Hall, when Paige saw the Hall in a distance she was immediately filled with nostalgia and also a sense of nervousness due to being away from it for a long time. As the car stopped in front of the stone steps, she paused for a minute to look at its magnificent façade and to familiarize herself with her home for most of her life. She sensed that Blackburn was more than a very big house that sometime one would think that the house itself was alive.

The door opened and Amelia came out to greet them at the foot of the stone steps, she hugged them both and Paige inhaled the familiar scent of the blue lily perfume that she wore ever since she can remember.

"My dears, I am glad you are home both of you this time." Amelia Said. She was still hugging both Paige and Alexander at the same time. One could see this upon a distance that she fussed on them like a mother would, no one would suspect that she is a vampire.

"I am also glad that I am home after a very long time. I am sorry Amelia dear that it took something like an attempt at my life to make me go home." Paige said also while still hugging her.

"It certainly the best time to come home, I am just glad that you are here though and with Alexander too." She said sounding very happy.

"How are you Amelia?" Paige asked.

"You know the usual, I am still as pretty and young as the day you met me." She jokingly said. "But on a serious note, I was pretty stressed out when I first found out that someone was trying to kill you and Alexander."

"Yes and we've been in Scotland trying to trace back the attempt at a prophecy the werewolf clan have." She said.

Amelia led them inside so that they can have refreshments before resting after the long trip. It was a good thing though as Paige could not wait to eat as dinner seemed like an eternity away. As soon as they have finished with the snacks and small talk she asked Amelia and Alexander if it is alright if she will take a short nap. As she was walking through the door, Amelia asks her where she is going.

"To my old room, I gather that all my things are already there and I just need to unpack tomorrow as I am very much tired." She said.

"But my dear, we put your things on the room beside Alexander's." Amelia said. "Since you are already his betrothed we gather that it is better to be in close proximity to strengthen the bond before the wedding day."

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