Chapter two

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Hey guys sorry I took so long to update things have been hectic with classes and stuff, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy!!

Cairo sat in her American History class patiently waiting for the clock to strike 3:15. The class was rather boring seeing all throughout her school life they have been repeating the same information over and over again. It didn't help that none of her friends were in this class either.

She was halfway through the class when the principal barged into the room. "Is Cairo Sweet in here?"

Immediately the girl stood up and walked towards the door. She was more than eager to leave the useless class. "I'm right here."

"I need you to come to the office so that we can discuss the Harvard trip situation. Mr. Finley is it okay for Ms. Sweet to leave your class for a bit?"

He nodded as he began to teach where he had left off. Cairo grabbed her bag and followed the principal out of the class. The walk was quite boring and quiet. Neither spoke a word to each other knowing the conversation they were about to have would be more than enough engagement with each other. Deep down Cairo was a bit uncomfortable with the situation at hand, but she didn't really have any choice but to go with what she was given.

They rounded the corner into the office where Cairo took her seat in front of the principals desk. Her hands sat folded on her thighs patiently waiting for the inevitable. "As I'm sure you are aware Mr. Miller will be attending this event. Seeing your background with him I just wanted to make sure that I do as much as I can to make sure that you feel safe."

She sat straightened making light eye contact. What was she to say? They didn't care enough about her to arrest him let alone fire him yet they want to make sure she's safe on this one time trip? How is this any different than him lurking the halls everyday? She found this entire conversation useless.

He could do whatever he wanted no matter what precautions were put in place. Everyone was on his side so what did it matter? The only way she would feel comfortable is by sticking with CC and that's exactly what she was going to do.

"Miss, whatever you have planned you might as well not do. You and I both know nothing will stop him from slithering his way out of it if he truly wants to." A coldness bit at each of her words making it clear that she was serious.

The principal stopped for a moment gathering her thoughts. "Cairo, I understand where you are coming from but don't you think something is better than nothing?"

"He walks these halls every single day. What's the difference in him walking about freely here versus him walking free at Harvard."

An uncomfortable silence blanketed the room. One not knowing what to say and the other disgusted by her situation. Cairo wanted nothing more than to go on this trip and let loose a bit, but that just wasn't in the cards for her. So she would just have to make do with what she was given like she always had. Who knows perhaps she could finally get her revenge on the man that ruined her entirely.

"Alright I think I got the hint. However I will be making sure that you and Ms. Walker are together at all times." The raven haired woman paused for a second, "And Cairo, I truly am sorry that we couldn't do more about what happened."

She didn't say anything in response, instead grabbing her bag and heading out of the door. There was nothing to truly discuss and she knew that, but it was a way to waste more of the school day away.

Instead of going back to class she decided to go out to the track field. CC had gym this period so she figured waiting in the bleachers would be a better alternative than listening to the monotone voice of Mr. Finley. Plus Mrs. Roan liked Cairo so it wouldn't be a problem for her to stay in the bleachers for the last hour of the school day.

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