Chapter Three

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Lmfao sorry for leaving for so long again life has been hell !! Anyways yeah idk what was going on with this chapter but hope you all enjoy


The plane landed at its final destination making everyone exit to the airport. All the students were told to meet at the food court so that they could take a bus to the hotel. Cairo was getting more and more anxious as the moments passed. She didn't want to deal with Millers bullshit anymore than she already has had to. It's like he was constantly causing her problems.

Cc slid her hand into the brunettes hand trying to show her support in anyway she could. If she had it her way she'd go and tell Miller off, but that would do more harm than good in this situation. The blonde hated this situation more than anything. All she wants is for her best friend to feel safe and enjoy the time they have together. However, Miller always ends up being a problem.

As they approached the food court Cairo caught a glimpse of the devil himself. She was determined to not let him see how anxious she was. 'Never let your enemy know your weak points' her mother always told her.

"Alright now that everyone is here we are going to pass out the brochures for the trip as well as your schedule and room number," Ms. Roan began.

Teachers began to hand out the schedules and brochures to all of the students. Both Cc and Cairo were desperately hoping Miller wouldn't come anywhere near them. Maybe just this once the universe would spare them the drama. But that wasn't the case at all.

The tall gray haired man slowly approached the girls. A slight grin on his face. Cairo wanted to vomit.

"Good afternoon Cairo. Cc. Here is your schedules and everything," his foggy blue eyes looked the tiny brunette up and down, "Cairo I'd like to have a word with you when we arrive at the hotel."

Cairo looked up with her almost black eyes, furry burning in them. How dare he ask such things of her? "Absolutely not." Cc blurted out.

Miller gave her a confused look. "I'm sorry Ms. Walker I don't recall speaking to you?"

"Seems you also don't recall all the things you did last year either." The blonde was furious now.

"Cc, enough. Mr. Miller I am sure you are more than aware of our situation. This means you know we are not allowed to have private conversations. In conclusion; no, I will not have a single word with you after this."

The older man tilted his head in acknowledgment. Cairo knew this wouldn't be his last attempt. She knows he is a persistent man that will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Time and time again she had to bear the consequences of his persistence.

Cairo walked into Millers classroom with a white collard shirt paired with a brown sweater vest tucked into an above knee black skirt. She pulled out her earbuds placing them around her neck. A bright smile laid plainly across her freckled face.

"Oh good morning Cairo, you're here early today."

The smile on her face only grew bigger as he spoke softly. "Morning Miller. I have somethin for ya. Was up all night finishing it making sure that it was perfect."

Miller glanced up from his papers landing on a smiley Cairo. His interest was more than intrigued at this point. What could Cairo Sweet possibly give him?

He made his way around his desk towards Cairo's. When he approached the desk the brunette handed him a stack of papers.

"Is this your creative writing piece?" Cairo nodded in response.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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