Chapter One

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Hey guys! So it's been a hot minute since I've written fanfics so bear with me. This isn't the best work I've done but I hope you all enjoy! Hopefully this timeline and everything will make sense and as always if you have any suggestions or ideas just comment them I love getting feedback on my work. Anyways enjoy!


Cairo and Winnie sat in the bleachers of the football stadium surrounded by their peers. Today was the big championship football game and their best friends CC and Ava were on the team. In fact they were captain and co captain. The four girls have been best friends since 6th grade when they ended up all being in homeroom together. Most of the class was filled with the annoying preppy girls and the asshole jock dudes, so the four just ended up connecting through their hatred for their classmates. Each girl vastly different from each other, yet they all get along well.

CC was just about to take a shot that would either win them the game or lose against their rivaling team. The defense line was dense with no one on her team open. She had to make the shot herself. The goal was about 15 feet away; too far to take one final kick. Moving closer is the only option. Quickly she dodged around the opponents to reach her final destination. Just as she was about to take the shot she felt the hairs on her neck stand straight up.

Someone was coming behind her.

Without a second thought she moved to the right and took the shot. The whole stadium stood up waiting to hear the swish of the net. Right as the ball hit the back of the net CC was tackled down to the ground. Knees digging into the dry dirt causing massive scraps along her knees and elbows. It was worth it though because the Unicorns won the game!

Her team rallied around her, lifting her in the air as they chanted her name. It was a nice feeling to bring home a win for the team she so deeply loved. The football team was her pride and joy.

"Looks like our girls did it Cairo!" Winnie exclaimed, nudging her friend in the process.

Winnie was more of a bold and confident person, always making her presence known. She was known for pulling pranks on the rest of the group and embarrassing them whenever they showed romantic interest in someone. Even though she doesn't take things too seriously her artwork is always taken seriously. Since she was 7 years old she's been creating artwork of all sorts; mostly fantasy though. She's the life of the party and always knows how to cheer the girls up.

Cairo is more quiet. She likes to observe things and truly take in the scenery around her. Even though she is quiet, she has a wild side that only her closest friends get to see. Most of the time she has her nose buried in a book or playing the cello. Her friends describe her as more of an old soul. Winnie likes to call her an old woman majority of the time.

CC and Ava rounded the corner into the locker room with the rest of the team. The coach gathered the girls around preparing her speech to the girls. Even if they didn't win the coach always made sure to give a little speech about how proud she is of the team.

"Amazing work out there ladies! You all did extraordinary honestly I think that was the best we have played to date. CC what a shot girl! I saw some scouts out there that looked mighty impressed by you so keep an ear out for em! As for the rest of you, I am so proud of you all! Now go celebrate! Don't forget to resign those tryout forms for next season on your way out!"

Ava looked over at CC a wide grin plastered on her face. "Soooo scouts huh? That's literally so cool CC! I hope you can get into like Harvard or something."

CC giggled at the comment. Harvard was definitely not somewhere she wanted to go. She had Stanford on her mind instead. They have one of the best football teams in the country. "I don't know about Harvard, but hey if they want to scout me I'm not gonna complain." She stated with a little giggle.

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