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    The moon hung high in the vast expanse of the night sky, its ethereal glow cascading over the ancient ruins of the Kurogami clan's stronghold. Amidst the debris, Minatiro Kurogami stood as the solitary remnant of a once-thriving lineage, grappling with the weight of profound loss and bewilderment in the wake of a merciless onslaught.

Swift and brutal, the attack had laid waste to everything he held dear. Despite the renowned prowess of his family in the art of jujutsu, they had been no match for the overwhelming force and expertise of their assailants. Now, Minatiro found himself adrift in a sea of devastation, his mind consumed by a tumultuous storm of questions and uncertainties.

Yet, amidst the desolation, a glimmer of light beckoned to him from the heart of the wreckage, stirring his curiosity and caution in equal measure. With senses finely attuned to danger, he approached the source, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and hope.

Beneath the debris, he stumbled upon a resplendent necklace adorned with cryptic symbols, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Tempted by its allure and driven by a sense of foreboding, he reached out to grasp the artifact, feeling a tingling sensation course through his fingertips.

In a sudden surge, power surged through him, infusing him with newfound vigor and resolve. Yet, as swiftly as it had come, the necklace crumbled into dust at his touch, leaving him bewildered and crestfallen. Turning away, he surveyed the ruins, seeking any sign of life amidst the ruinous aftermath.

But then, a wave of nausea and disorientation washed over him, as if his very consciousness were being torn asunder. Amidst his torment, a voice pierced through the chaos, unsettling yet strangely familiar. "You resist me still? How intriguing," it spoke, exacerbating his agony.

Minatiro's anguished screams reverberated through the desolate ruins, each cry a desperate plea for respite. The voice, insidious and persistent, echoed back, urging him to yield—to surrender his very essence. Gasping for air, Minatiro defied it, his resolve unyielding.

"I... will never surrender... my being to you, whoever you may be!" His words were a fierce proclamation, a fragile defiance against an unseen adversary.

The headache that had gripped him began to wane, replaced by a strange clarity. The voice persisted, its tone both unsettling and oddly familiar. "A mere child resisting the sister to the king of curses—how intriguing. What is your name, child?"

Minatiro's breath hitched. "I am Minatiro Kurogami," he declared, the weight of his lineage pressing upon him.

"A Kurogami, hmm?" The voice seemed to consider this. "I am indebted to your bloodline, a debt left unpaid. Thus, I propose a pact. Merge with me—share half your soul—and in return, I shall grant you strength and guidance to face the trials ahead. Fear not; your autonomy and free will shall remain intact." The pact hung in the air, sealed with solemnity, as Minatiro grappled with his decision.

"I accept," he said at once. The voice he heard in the back of his head slowly became a humanoid curse.

"My name is Sunako Sukana by the way. Tell me what is your goal in life?" the curse asked.

"to find the assassin who killed my clan and destroy them."

Present day

Minatiro's excitement was palpable as he stepped off the train and set foot in Tokyo for the first time. The bustling city was a stark contrast to the quiet countryside he grew up in, but he was ready for the challenge. As he made his way through the crowded streets, he couldn't help but admire the beauty that surrounded him. The towering skyscrapers, colorful billboards, and bright lights were a sight to behold.

Minatiro's presence in this place wasn't merely for leisurely exploration. He had poured his heart and soul into securing a spot as a first-year student at Jujutsu High, an esteemed institution renowned across Japan for its rigorous sorcery curriculum. This was the very institution where the illustrious Satoru Gojo, the most powerful sorcerer of their time, imparted his profound wisdom. To say Minatiro was thrilled would be a vast understatement; his excitement bubbled within him like a torrential wave ready to crash upon the shore.

As he stood there, the glow of his iPhone Xs Max illuminated his face, casting shadows against his features. With a quick swipe, a notification popped up on his screen, drawing his attention away from the bustling surroundings. It was a text from no other than Gojo, sharing his precise location. A surge of anticipation coursed through Minatiro's veins; thankfully, luck was on his side, as he realized he was already nearby.

"Good afternoon, my name is MInatiro kurogami, its a pleasure to meet you"

"Students, meet Minatiro, the fourth member of the first-years," Gojo said

"I'm Yuji itadori"

"I'm Megumi fushiguro"

"I'm nobara Kugisaki"

Nobara's POV

He has rough hands but his face is pretty for a boy, he must come from some type of privilege. I'll respect him

Third person POV

"Since we're here in Tokyo I wanted to take you four to do some sight seeing in Roppongi." gojo announced

"ROPONGI?!" itadori and nobara screamed back


'This is definitely not what I had in mind when Gojo mentioned Roppongi,' Minatiro muttered to himself as he entered the building and ascended the stairs to the top floor. Pushing open a classroom door, he was greeted by a swarm of small-tier curses.

"Would you kindly do me the favor of ending yourselves?" he calmly requested, but unfortunately, they began to attack him one by one. The sorcerer with dark skin effortlessly dodged their punches and retrieved a katana from the shadows, thrusting it deep into the heart of each curse, effectively vanquishing them.

"If you would be so obliging as to meet your demise, it would be appreciated," he remarked to the curses beside him. Nevertheless, they persisted in their onslaught, determined to tear him apart. "Such a pity," Minatiro sighed, extending his finger like a gun and unleashing a fiery AOE attack, reducing them all to dust.

He continued employing this strategy throughout the floor until he heard Nobara's voice and the sound of something being set down. Entering the room, he found a curse holding a young boy hostage. He sighed, alerting all three of them to his presence.

"As rule one of exorcising curses dictates, you never negotiate with grade four curses," he stated firmly. Suddenly, the curse retreated into its own shadow, leaving the child unharmed but appearing near Nobara. Seeing its chance without the hostage, the curse attempted to flee through the window. Without hesitation, the dark-skinned sorcerer hurled his katana at the curse and snapped his fingers, causing the katana to explode, obliterating the curse along with it.


"Hey, what's the deal with Minatiro?" Megumi inquired.

"Ah, Minatiro?" I replied. "He's been through a lot, not because of his race though. His family was tragically killed when he was just five, and he's been on the run ever since. Despite all that, he's emerged as the strongest among the first years, a true prodigy."

I hesitated to reveal too much, as Minatiro had entrusted me with keeping certain aspects of his abilities secret.

"Is his curse technique really that formidable?" Megumi pressed.

"It's more than just strong," I explained. "If I had to draw a comparison, I'd say he's akin to Yuta. His curse technique allows him to absorb, store, and combine any curse technique he encounters. Needless to say, he's poised to become the next powerhouse."


A/N: Thanks so much for reading! as always make sure to vote, comment and share! BYE!!!!!

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