cursed womb

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'Something feels off about this mission' minatiro thought as he tuned out Ijichi's endless yapping about the tiers of curses. On paper, their mission seemed simple. Confirm if there are any survivors left and exit the building. However there was a problem, there was a special grade curse inside and it didn't take a genius to know that without unleashing sukana or sunako, they'd most likely die.

A woman's desperate cries broke through his thoughts her voice, quivered with dread and grief, begged for her son's safety.'The moment the curse entered the building, your son was lost,' Minatiro mused grimly, his mind settling on the severe truth of their predicament.

Entering the building only confirmed his fears. The curse already knew domain expansion, though it was incomplete. Megumi seemed to notice the grimness of the situation as well

"Quick the door!" he shouted but it was too late. The door disappeared replacing it with only metal pipes

"Fuck, he trapped us in," Minatiro said, "I'll go on ahead, ya'll watch each other's back."

"Wait! What about you?" Megumi questioned

"If push comes to shove, I got an ace up my sleeve."


The dark-skinned sorcerer had been walking for at least 15 minutes now and now he was sure no one was following him. "Sunako, you there?"

"What do you need, my love?"

'Since when did she start calling me her love?' Minatiro thought but quickly dismissed it "I want to form a temporary binding vow."

"What's the vow for?"

"If I let you out for five seconds you will locate the special grade curse."Minatiro paused, considering the weight of his request. "I need to find it quickly. Time is of the essence."

Sunako's voice echoed in his mind, carrying a hint of caution. "Are you certain about this, Minatiro? The consequences of such a vow could be severe."

Minatiro clenched his jaw, feeling the urgency gnaw at him. "I'm aware of the risks. But I have no other choice. Lives are at stake."

Sunako remained silent for a moment, then sighed softly. "Very well. I will aid you, but remember, the darkness always extracts its price."

With a deep breath, Minatiro focused his thoughts, channeling his magic to create the temporary binding vow. As the magic took hold, he felt a surge of power coursing through him, mingling with Sunako's essence.

"It is done," he declared, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. "Now, guide me to the special grade curse."


Minatiro blinked back into awareness just in time to evade a vicious swing from the special grade curse. "Sunako, I asked you to find him, not to engage!"

"He attacked your friends. I had to intervene," her voice floated coolly into his consciousness.

Panic edged his voice as he turned to his companions. "Megumi, Itadori, where's Nobara?"

"We don't know," Megumi responded, his voice tense. "She was sucked into some kind of portal!" Minatiro cursed, this felt less and less like a mission, and more and more like an assassination

"Get Nobara and get out, now!" Yuji's voice sliced through the chaos, urgency tinged with determination. "Once you're clear, I'll bring out Sukuna!"

"I can handle this! I—" Minatiro protested, but his words were silenced as Megumi seized him by the uniform, conjuring his shikigami for a rapid retreat. "Release me! I could have taken him!"

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