Treasure hunt (2)

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As the scavenger hunt progressed, the forest assigned teams delved deep into the lush greenery, their eyes scanning the dense foliage for any signs of the elusive flags.

Team 1's Jeonghan and Jimin moved gracefully through the forest, their footsteps light as they navigated the winding paths. Their sharp eyes spotted flashes of color amidst the trees, and with practiced efficiency, they secured the flags, adding them to their growing collection.

Meanwhile, Scoups and Mingyu of Team 2 moved with purpose through the forest, their determination driving them forward. Mingyu's keen observation skills proved invaluable as he spotted a flag hidden amidst the branches, while Scoups expertly navigated the terrain, leading them towards their next target.

Across the forest, Team 3's Jungkook and Miu moved swiftly through the undergrowth, their senses heightened as they searched for their own flags. Jungkook's athleticism came in handy as he scaled a fallen log to reach a flag fluttering high above, while Miu's sharp eyes spotted another flag tucked away behind a bush.

As the forest assigned teams continued their search, their determination never wavered. With each flag found, their confidence grew, driving them forward in their quest to complete the scavenger hunt and emerge victorious for their respective teams.


Wonwoo oppa went to the other side to check if there's any flag. As Jungkook oppa and I searched for the flags together, I couldn't shake the feeling of concern that had been gnawing at me ever since we arrived at this place. Jungkook oppa seemed distant, lost in his own thoughts despite being surrounded by friends.

I stole a glance at him, noting the furrow  in his brow and the way he seemed lost in thought. Taking a deep breath, I summoned my courage and decided to address the issue that had been weighing on my mind.

"Hey, Jungkook oppa," I began softly, trying not to startle him from his reverie. "I've noticed that you've been a bit quiet lately. Is everything okay?"

Jungkook paused in his search, turning to look at me with surprise in his eyes. For a moment, he seemed taken aback by my question, but then a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"I'm fine, Miu," he reassured me, though his voice held a hint of uncertainty.

I nodded, understanding that maybe there was something more to Jungkook oppa  demeanor, something that made me want to delve deeper into his thoughts and feelings.

"If you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you," I offered, hoping to provide some comfort to my friend.
As Miu's words sank in, Jungkook felt a lump form in his throat, unable to hold back the torrent of emotions that surged within him. He stopped in his tracks, turning to face Miu with a conflicted expression.

"Miu, I...," Jungkook began, his voice betraying the vulnerability he had been trying to conceal. "I've been trying really hard, you know? But sometimes, it just feels like I'm not good enough."

He paused, his gaze dropping to the forest floor as he struggled to articulate the thoughts that had been weighing heavily on his mind. "I want to be there for everyone, to be a good friend and teammate. But lately, I feel like I'm falling short. I'm just... tired, Miu. So tired."

Jungkook's voice wavered with emotion, He had been pushing himself relentlessly, striving to meet the expectations placed upon him.

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