New Manager

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Seventeen was in their dorms, preparing for a busy day ahead. The atmosphere was buzzing with energy as the members got ready to head to their practice room to rehearse the title track for their upcoming album, "Ready to Love."

Mingyu was in the kitchen, brewing coffee for everyone. "We need all the energy we can get today," he said, handing a cup to Miu, who smiled appreciatively.Once everyone was ready, Scoups gathered the group in the living room for a quick pep talk. "Alright, everyone. Today is a busy day. We need to give it our all. Lets head to the company.The members responded with a chorus of agreement, their determination clear. They headed out to the practice room, chatting animatedly about the day's goals.

In the practice room, Hoshi took charge of the choreography session. "Let's start with a full run-through of the dance," he instructed. "Pay attention to the transitions and formations. Miu, make sure to hit your marks during the chorus."As the music started, the group moved in perfect sync, their hard work evident in every step. Hoshi paused them occasionally to correct minor details, ensuring that every movement was sharp and precise. "Great job, everyone. Let's do it again, but with more energy this time," he encouraged.

 Let's do it again, but with more energy this time," he encouraged

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Before they could start again, the practice room door opened, revealing two men

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Before they could start again, the practice room door opened, revealing two men. One was an unknown figure to Seventeen and Miu, and the other was their main manager. Seventeen and Miu greeted them with polite bows. The manager stepped forward and introduced the new man to the group.

"Guys, I'll be on leave for a month, so Mr. Anton will take my place. I hope you won't give him a hard time," the manager said with a reassuring smile. "Your promotions and release are near, so prepare well. One more thing-since all your sub-managers are quite busy with your schedules in my absence, Mr. Anton will be taking care of you almost in everything."

"Okay, manager-nim," everyone chorused.

"Alright, I'll take my leave then," the main manager said before exiting the room.

As the door closed behind him, the members returned to their practice. Anton took a seat on a chair, quietly observing them. From the moment he entered the room, his eyes were fixated on Miu. He couldn't take his eyes off her-her curves, her figure, her lips drew his gaze like a magnet. The members were deeply engrossed in their practice, oblivious to his intense scrutiny, while Miu felt a vague sense of uncomfort around her aura.

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