Her protectors

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As the members observed her gradual withdrawal from the group, their worries deepened, their attempts to reach out met with walls of silence and feigned reassurances. And as the days passed and the weight of her burden grew heavier miu was more depressed. The once vibrant atmosphere within the dorm had been replaced by a heavy silence, each member burdened by the weight of Miu's unspoken pain. Their hearts ached to see her withdraw into herself.

Gone were the carefree moments of laughter and fun, replaced by a somber mood that hung over the dorm like a shroud. No longer did they share lighthearted conversations or playful banter, the absence of Miu's infectious energy casting a shadow over their every interaction. all the Seventeen members were gathered in scoups room to discuss about miu.

Scoups: Alright guys, we need to talk about Miu. I know we've all been noticing her behavior lately, and it's got me really worried.

Jeonghan: Yeah, it's been weighing on all of us. She's been so distant lately, and it's not like her at all.

Seungkwan: I've been trying to talk to her about it, but she keeps shutting me out.

Joshua: Yeah, she's been so distant lately. It's like she's here, but she's not really here, you know?

Wonwoo: I've tried talking to her, but every time I bring it up, she just brushes it off and says she's fine.

Woozi: Something's definitely not right. I mean, she used to be so cheerful and outgoing, but now she's like a completely different person.

The8: Did you guys notice how she always comes late from pratices even it's not important? And she's been forgetting the choreographies too.

Hoshi: Yeah, and remember that time during the photoshoot when she looked so uncomfortable? It was like she was trying to hide something.

Mingyu: I've seen her flinch or getting scared a few times when someone tries to touch her or get too close. It's like she's scared of something.

Jun: I've noticed some things that are making me really suspicious. That guy anton ? Our new Manager since the day he came it all started from then ?

DK: Yeah, like how she always seems really uncomfortable and tense whenever he's around. It's like she's afraid of him or something.

Dino: And did you guys see how she flinched that one time when he tried to touch her and she backed off ? It was like she was scared of him. I thought he's new that's why she maybe taking her time to be comfortable around him.

Vernon: I've seen them together a few times, and it just feels off. Like there's something going on between them that we don't know about.

Mingyu: And what about that time when they were alone in the practice room together? Miu came out looking really upset and shaken up.

Hoshi: It's definitely not normal, whatever's happening between them. We need to find out what's going on and put a stop to it.

Seungkwan: I hate seeing her like this. She's always been so full of life, and now it's like she's lost her spark.

Joshua: We can't just ignore this anymore. We need to figure out what's going on with her and help her however we can.

The8: I agree. We're her family, and it's our responsibility to make sure she's okay.

Next Day

Everyone was in the practice room practicing for their next title track "Rock with you" after practicing for four hours everyone was tired and because there are many days left for their album release they decided to leave early today
Seventeen members, weary from hours of intense practice, gathered their bags and equipment, ready to leave the practice room. They exchanged tired smiles and words of encouragement, looking forward to some much-needed rest.

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