Chapter 14

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Evie paced their bedroom for the umpteenth time.

She calculated the minutes the Death Eater meeting went on and by the second hour, nobody had left the manor.

Fear was digging its nasty claws into her heart.

So many minutes passed that Evie wondered whether somebody was playing a practical joke with a time turner and replaying it back over and over again.

She stared at the barely moving grandfathers clock in the hallway. Blimey, the thing probably didn't even work.

Time will come, she told herself. It will happen. They will come out at some point. They have it. Unless someone from the terrorist organization played a stunt and killed everyone quietly in the process.

Well, that'd be stupid. The Dark Lord wouldn't allow that. Not in his lifetime.

In what felt like forever, the doors finally opened and many Death Eaters scattered out, apparating back to their homes. The only one who didn't was a marching Draco Malfoy, who made a beeline for Evie.

He took her by the arm and pulled her up the stairs toward their bedroom.

She didn't bother arguing, for the fierceness in his compressed expression said he was one eggshell away from cracking and bursting into raging flames.

Draco, yanking her into the bedroom, slammed the door closed and enchanted it to lock. "Why didn't you tell me you were conducting business with the Dark Lord?"

She gestured at him. "Because I knew you'd react exactly like this."

"You had no right. You're still healing," he hissed, stepping closer.

"If I feel like I can help our cause in any way then you better understand I will do anything. I hate playing housewife. I will never be one, never have been so stop expecting me to all of a sudden be alright with it, "Evie spat, breathing heavily.

She paled as the realization of her words sank in. Even Draco's eyes rounded with surprise.

Unsure of how to piece his sentences together, Draco held out his hands. "At least tell me you're not doing magical tasks."

Evie shook her head. "Of course not. Even the Dark Lord thinks I'm not ready for that yet. I'm only helping him with non-magical things. Like this."

Draco dropped his gaze to the floor. Almost as if to hide the smirk that soon replaced his scowl. Unfortunately for him, Evie noticed it instantly.

Not very often does one see something warm accentuate a rigid beast.

"That was..." Draco's smirk widened. "Quite impressive, actually."

Evie blushed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," he then quickly iced his tone again. "You've only impressed me once."

They stared at each other in silence. Evie couldn't help herself. She burst into a giggle, earning no more than a light twitch from the corners of Draco's mouth.

Almost a smile — better than nothing, she supposed.

"What was said in the meeting?" Evie asked, plopping onto their bed and swung her legs that didn't quite touch the ground.

Draco brushed off his suit jacket and began removing his cufflinks. "We have a feeling that the terrorists will start communicating in code."

"Thank Salazar you had me then," Evie said.

He unclipped his suspender belts and threw them in the dirty clothing hamper. "You say that but I think they'll be getting more sophisticated. More creative."

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