Truth behind the myth final part: Voice of the voiceless

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Tails made it back home thinking about he had heard from Native Son.

When he opened the door he saw Cosmo thinking deeply while she was on the couch .

Tails:" Hey , Cosmo. "

Cosmo looked up slowly and smiled softly,

Cosmo:" Hey , Tails"

Tails went to the couch and sat next to her.

Tails:" You okay."

Cosmo sighed and put her hands together.

Cosmo:"Yeah , i was thinking about what we saw .I could not come up with anything.

It really scared me."

Tails:" Well, let me tell you what I heard while I was out."

Tails told Cosmo what he had heard from Native Son with Cosmo listening intently with what he was saying.After a while tails was done and Cosmo was in disbelief but, took a deep breath .

Cosmo:" Wow, that is a lot to take in , but how did Amagi see that. How did she found out about it ."

Tails:" I am still trying to figure that out, we need to go back to the site."

Cosmo thought to herself and sighed.

Cosmo:" Yeah, I hope Amagi will be ok going near there."

Tails put his hand over hers.

Tails:" Do not worry she has us there with her ."

An hour later, it was nighttime with the clouds covering the sky.

The family was at the edge of the forest near the tunnel.

Amagi was hiding behind Cosmo still scared.

Cosmo:" I hope we know what we are doing. "

Tails knelt down reassuring Amagi and gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

Tails:" Amagi , I know you are scared, but it's okay, Me and your mom are with you . Whatever happens , we will not let anything hurt you, I promise ."

Amagi took a deep breath and nodded.

Tails put out his hand which Amagi grabbed tightly .

Cosmo grabbed her other hand and the family walked into the tunnel ready to face horrors it had to offer .

Inside Tails turned on a flashlight he brought to light up the dark tunnel.

The tunnel was cold and you could see the carved out walls that many mules had made.

There were vines growing out of the many cracks along the tunnel with moss covering parts of the ground.

And at the other end you could hear the faint dripping of water leaking from the top of the tunnel.

Tails walked to a nearby wall and touched it.

Tails:" It is crazy that people carved this out by hand,"

Cosmo was looking around until she spotted something high on the upper wall

Cosmo:" Tails , look up there!"

Tails flew up to see carved out words hard to see from the ground

Tails lit up the wall and read the carved out text.

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