Cigwe pt 2 The Rage of Asase

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The family and Cigwe moved along the fence along the institution trying to figure out a way get in

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The family and Cigwe moved along the fence along the institution trying to figure out a way get in.

Tails looked up to Cigwe going to ask him a question.

Tails:" Cigwe , why did you ask us to help? You are already a powerful being yourself? How have the mundians kept you out?"

Cigwe looked down in shame and pointed his beak towards the tall metallic structures that were in the distance.

Tails moved his head to the structures and saw the there was a faint blue glow coming from the objects.

Tails:" Lighting rods..."

Cosmo looked at them .

Cosmo:" The lighting rods catch any lighting that come near the building. How did they make them to block lighting of a mythical creature?"

Tails thought for a moment putting his hand on his chin. And then came to the horrific realization.

Tails:" The remains of the thunderbirds, the top scientists must have studied the remains to developed weapons to combat the thunderbirds. Those rods can block and absorbs any lightning that comes near the facility."

Cigwe:" Which is why no thunderbird has been able to get inside the facuilty. And unfortunately it has been like this for decades . Who knows how many families have lost their loved ones."

Tails looked up to Cigwe with a face of determination .

Tails:"We will get your kids back."

Cosmo and Amagi nodded agreeing that what ever happens the whole family was sticking together.

Cigwe nodded.

Cigwe:" Good luck."

The Prower family was walking around trying to figure out how to get inside the place.

Then there was a door on the south side of the building . Tails put a device on that unlocked the door and the group went inside the building.

The inside looked like a normal school campus that showed no signs of anything being out of the ordinary.

Tails put his device that made the family invisible to the cameras and recording devices.

The family looked around the place but everything looked like a regualr school faculty.

Tails :" Now, how do we find the eggs ?"

Tails looks at the blue prints of the school on his device.

Cosmo also looked at the blueprints.

Cosmo:" I wonder if there is more to this building than the prints are showing."

Amagi looked around and saw a particular door that seemed to go to lower level and a weird keyreader.

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