A failure's happiness.

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Tails and Amagi were in a junkyard looking for spare parts .Cosmo was at the mobile home resting.

Tails was in excitement since  he loved looking for old machines and parts.

He always looked for stuff that could be recycled 

Tails:" Lets see what I can find today."

Amagi was climbing around a big pile looking for stuff that was interesting.

Tails called out to Amagi.

Tails:" Amagi . be careful. if anything looks interesting call me."


Amagi was searching down the pile when something had caught her eye.

She flew down from the top slowly to find the object landing on the grouns.

Something metallic was shining from the sunlight and Amagi went to grab it.

Amagi pulled it out and found the object.

Amagi was amazed at the object and touched its metallic surface

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Amagi was amazed at the object and touched its metallic surface.

The metal item was hot from being out in  the sun but it was completely clean.

Amagi looked up and called out to Tails

Amagi :" Papa! Look!'

Tails flew down the hill and was  curious about what she wanted to show him.

He landed near Amagi and walk over to her.

Tails:" What do you have there?"

Amagi showed him the instrument which Tails looked in surprise.

Tails:" Oh, a trumpet! Looks like it is in good condition."

Tails looked at the instrument and inspected it.

Flipping it around to see every detail and was amazed.

Tails:" This thing is brand new, who would throw away a good instrument like this.."

Tails knelt down and handed  the trumpet back to Amagi.

Tails:" Why don't you keep it. It is always good to learn an instrument, it will help you in the future.

Sonic X Season 4 : Observers of the Lost Haven Where stories live. Discover now