Ch. 23 were back

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(Armin's P.O.V)
It was late and Annie felt really dizzy. I couldn't have her passing out and potentially hurting herself. So I walked her upstairs and let her lay down. Right when she hit the bed she was out like a blowed on candle. I laid up against the door frame and grinned. She's actually really cute when she's asleep.

I wasn't tired just yet so I went downstairs and sat down on the couch. I was reading a book earlier and decided to finish it up. The name of the book dosent come to mind right now,but it was a story and a girl on a quest to find the killer of her father. She teams up with these people and and they go through these obstacles in order to get down to what really happened to her father. Her team is showing some strange signs of betrayal. I don't think they are on her team anymore.

I was really into the story and I was reading it for quite some time. I heard something outside suddenly. It drew my attention away from my book and I looked out the window to see complete darkness. Was it another titan? couldn't be. I would've heard a louder noise if it was. Then again it could be smaller than a fifteen meter.

Suddenly...a knock was heard from the door. Human?! Maybe one of the scouts or mps?! I stepped away from the window and got down on my knees. It was already clear that someone or something was in the house since I had a candle lit. This is bad.

"ANNIE?! OPEN UP! ITS RENIER!". I froze to the name. It's them,they're here to take back Annie!

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