Chapter 1: My Lord

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(Ok I'm sick rn but imma try to write this as best as possible and edit it when I get better)

An emerald-eyed young man with dark green hair and freckles sat on the porch of his house, humming softly as he watched the stars

He played with the trim of his long dark purple shirt, which sagged on his shoulders and covered his thighs

Through an open window, a strange shadow crept into the young man's house, barely visible due to the lack of light in the unlit house

The shadow looked around, searching the familiar house before looking out a window to see the man gazing up into the night sky while humming to himself

When he turned his attention to the young man, part of the shadow, which resembled a crow, swept through the air and opened the door, surprising the man before he realized who was there

"My lord. . ." The young man mumbled as he got up and ran into the house and looked around, trying to see where his lord was, luckily he didn't have to look for long, as cold pale hands reached for his dark and warm hands

In relief, the man leant into the shadow's cold body, having missed it all day, "there you are, tokoyami" he said

Tokoyami, the shadow, hugged the young man back, "sorry I'm late izuku, there was an issue at the border" the young man was worried by this, but knew tokoyami didn't like talking about his kingdom

Wanting to change the subject, izuku smiled and said, "it's ok, I wasn't waiting for long" izuku then kissed tokoyami and grazed his warm hand over the shadow's cold cheek, in return, tokoyami placed his hand over izuku's and kissed his palm gently

As izuku blushed, the same part of tokoyami as before, glided to izuku and yelled "WHAT ABOUR ME!? I WANT A KISS!" izuku flinched at first but smiled and petted the crow-like shadow before kissing its forehead

While izuku attended to the crow, tokoyami looked over his lover, thinking there was something off, he thought it was nothing but stopped as he noticed something under izuku's black knee high stockings

"Izuku, can you take off your stockings?"

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