Chapter 2: Kisses

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"Izuku, can you take off your stockings?"

Tokoyami stepped closer to Izuku, who was caught off guard, "uh- wh-why would you ask that?" Izuku stuttered, turning to hide the leg Tokoyami was looking at

'Dark shadow, help me out here', Tokoyami thought as he approached Izuku, grabbing him by the waist, and leaning in, leaving Izuku blushing as the crow shadow quickly pulled down Izuku's stocking to reveal fresh bandages

Dark shadow and Tokoyami were both taken aback by this, but were also used to izuku being wounded, "did the villagers do this?" Tokoyami asked, looking over the wound, in response, Izuku simply said, "I tripped and hurt myself while buying food, that's all" however, Tokoyami was skeptical and asked, "did you trip or were you pushed?"

Izuku's face grew pale and he quickly looked away, unable to answer Tokoyami's question, Tokoyami sighed and picked Izuku up bridal style, catching him off guard

"Come on, I have some ointment you can use" Tokoyami then walked to an open bedroom, adorned with oddities gifted to Izuku by Tokoyami and his people, Tokoyami sat Izuku on his bed before taking out a jar of ointment

He gently applied it to Izuku's wound, causing him to wince in pain as the ointment worked its magic, Tokoyami watched Izuku closely, making sure he was alright, "try not to exert yourself, ok?" Tokoyami said as he stood back up and kissed Izuku's forehead

As Tokoyami sat next to Izuku, Dark Shadow rested his head on Izuku's lap, obviously wanting head pats, "silly Dark Shadow" Izuku said, petting the crow-like shadow and making him coo

Izuku continued petting Dark Shadow, and he could feel Tokoyami watching him, looking up at Tokoyami, he smiled sweetly, Tokoyami smiled back, though he knew Izuku couldn't see him smile

In an instant, Izuku jumped on Tokoyami and pushed him down on the bed with a deep kiss that surprised Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, "I-Izu! I just told you not to exer-" before he could finish, Izuku kissed Tokoyami again while giggling

"Hehe~ did I make you blush~? I bet I made you blush" Izuku teased, Tokoyami blushed and mumbled, "maybe a little. . ." Izuku sat up and cheered at his triumph, "pay back! That's for making me blush"

Slightly annoyed, Tokoyami grabbed Izuku's waist and flipped their positions, making Izuku flustered as he felt Tokoyami's large cold body over his, "uh- Tokoyami. . ." Izuku mumbled before feeling Tokoyami pin Izuku's wrists above his head and lean down to his ear

"And this is for making me blush~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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