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i had told everything to the police. starting from the model of the car to the woman's interaction with me.

i could hear distressed cries from the mansion but as carrie told me to leave her alone, i knew i had to give her space. on my way outside the mansion i felt worried for her but i knew i had to leave.

her parents were gonna be there any moment. the police couldn't conclude how the killer had gotten into the house, and did what he did to kevin. nobody knew.

however, when the police were patrolling outside the mansion, they did see the guards outside unconscious. they had been drugged with some sort of unknown substance. the police then told me i could go, and that was my first move.

i needed to get out of there. i had just snitched on the probable mafia boss that killed carrie's brother. i was sure to be hunted down, and killed either the same way or way brutally.

i got inside my car and looked at the driver, "hey, reyes. heard the news?"

"yes, miss. it's a tragedy," he replied, as he drove out of the parking stance.

"mhm," i stayed silent before speaking, "let's hurry home, i don't feel quite safe here."

reyes nodded, and started driving back home. the ride home was silent and there were no more words exchanged between us.

i stared outside the window. i was so lost in thought until suddenly the car came to a halt. i looked at reyes who instantly answered my confusion, "traffic."

i groaned and leaned my back against the seats, saying out load, "stupid traffic, had it not existed, i never needed to see what i saw and meet what i met."

"who did you meet, miss?" reyes inquired as he looked at me through the rear view mirror.

i sighed, "the boss of the organisation that killed carrie's brother."

for a second reyes fell quiet, "miss, if you are as serious as i presume, you should let your parents know."

i sighed and shook my head, "they're too protective of me. i can't tell them. that will only result into me getting my electronics taken away and me getting grounded for my apparent safety! they're gonna blame me for the rest of my life for this too," i looked away, crossing my arms. i was hoping reyes understood how hard it was for me to speak to my parents.

reyes sighed, "alright, little miss. as you wish."

i looked out of the window again, dismissing the conversation and then i froze. the same car. the same woman. the same gun.

i instantly rolled my window up and suddenly, that woman looked at me. she glared daggers my direction. did she already know what i did? but how was it possible? i reached for my phone quickly and dialed 911.

instantly, a loud gunshot went off and the bullet went straight through my phone, missing my hand by mere inches. i screamed in pure terror.


the entire traffic went silent, no honking. then i realised something strange. all the cars in the traffic were... black. all of them were the same model. one driver and one person in the backseat.


i looked at the driver's seat and saw the woman gripping reyes tightly by the throat. my eyes widened and my legs weakened in fear.

reyes seemed almost blue in the lack of air. how powerful was this woman?

she pulled the door open and dragged reyes out by his throat and gestured me to get out too before she spoke in a deep raspy voice, "are you the kid who tried to cross me?"

i crossed my arms, "im not a kid!"

her grip tightened around reyes's throat and i sighed in frustration, "okay, okay, yes. i am."

she smirked and threw reyes to the ground and pointed her gun at his head, "tell me about you, sweet y/n."

my eyes widened, "h-how do you know my name?"

she didn't answer and only laughed.

"tell me about you, i said," she repeated and her playfulness disappeared in an instant. she was back to being cold.

"i-im y/n (m/n) l/n. im 19 years of age and i uh... im a student of a private college," i mumbled in a low voice.

the woman licked her lips, "billie. 25. you could say i run a mafia."

billie pressed the gun's barrel against reyes's temple and spoke firmly, "now, y/n. i would kill you but what's the fun in that?" she moved the barrel, pressing it more against reyes, "i want you to act a double agent for me."

i blinked in confusion, "double agent?"

was she gonna turn me against carrie? use me to betray her?

she tossed a phone my way, the same model as mine. i caught it and looked back at her. she thought for a bit before explaining, "the phone has a tracker and supervisory system. i will know every little thing that you do. and if you try to cross the line, i will make sure you regret it deeply. from today onwards, you're a part of my team and i expect perfection. i demand you get closer to carrie lawson. get to know her better, be her best friend or whatever but i want you to report to me about her," billie took a breath and paused before speaking again, "every night after 12, i want you out of your house."

"but billie, my curfew starts after 11," i protested.

"her voice was so sweet when she called out my name that i did not forbid her from that. usually my team has to call me boss,"  billie thought but before she could say anything she got a call.

she groaned in annoyance and picked up the call, "what?" she asked flatly to the pity-worthy individual on the other side of the call.

i could hear someone frantically saying, "boss, we have a problem, we have a problem!"

billie rolled her eyes, "no, you have a problem. i just have an idiot who keeps getting into one"

she gave the phone to one of her men and looked at me with a thoughtful look, "sorry about the disruption, princess."

she withdrew the gun from reyes.

"be by your balcony by 12," she whispered to me and smirked.

what was she playing at...?

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