Part 3, Scene five

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(Finally the evening had come and it was time to Party. All special grade sorcerers and other old friends invited from their generation of sorcerers, where present at the gathering. It was more of a drunken party at a bar with friends and family than a civilized gathering).

Gojo: (sat with a glass of bear in his hand alone in one table he thought for a while about that waitress he met a while back. They had seen each other that evening).

(earlier that evening)...

Gojo: (he had just gotten home from jujutsu tech when he got a text it was from the waitress 'can we see at Culver's diner today?, I promise bills on me!', normally he'd tell her to wait the next day but he needed to deal with her that moment so as to let her know his stand with her. They've been speaking on phone and he didn't like her tone, during those moments, it sounded like a woman deeply in love, so he wanted to turn her down in the most calm way possible)... (he hesitated a moment and texted her 'Ok')

(Few moments later...)

Ichinose: (she stood outside the diner for a while before he arrived)... (as he approached her, her heart skipped beat-after-beat she felt butterflies in her stomach; that feeling of love. She could already visualise herself with that man for the rest of her life. All this with no knowledge of what was about to hit her)... (also she felt it a little odd, she never knew he was wealthy due the outfits she saw him in the times they met).

Gojo: (sees her in front of the shop while leaving his black tinted car... He wore a cooperate white shirt a little tight so his broad body was almost ripping through it, with a loose tie; he never buttons his shirt except when having any thing to do with Jujutsu sorcery, and his ice watch was shining under the bight sun showing its originality all complemented by the black trousers that he wore which matched the black portable car he drove in with. Also, as usual he wore his sunglasses and as he moved towards ichinose, all the women around where stealing glances at him, even those with their relationship mates).

Ichinose: (to her he was magnificent -the best thing that could ever happen to a woman- [she didn't know that, not all women felt the same way] she was still lost in her daydream until he called her attention she was so focused on him that she didn't notice when he had gotten closer).

Gojo: Are you going to stand here all day, staring at me? (he smirks he knows the effects of his appearance on women he also noticed the other women looking at him).

Ichinose: oh sorry! Let's get inside.

...they entered the restaurant picked a table and made their orders...

Gojo: (He looked around he always came here for snacks but it's not the kind of restaurant he'll take a date to, guess that's what she could afford)...

Ichinose: Gojo!

Gojo: huh?

Ichinose: your glasses!

(the people around knew he always wore blindfolds and had never seen him in sunglasses, yet alone seeing he's real eyes, they just felt he was a weirdo).

Gojo: Uhm I prefer it on (although if he was taking a girl on a date it wouldn't be at that diner and he would've taken the glasses off).

Ichinose: you can't be wearing sunglasses on a date!

Gojo: Okay fine! (he was breaking-up with her anyway, he should atleast let her see his eyes for the last time, so he took them off and slipped them into his pocket).

Ichinose: yeah that better she gave a smile. I wanted us to talk.

Gojo: Okay

Ichinose: About our relationship. We've not spent much time together due to our work except from nights.

Gojo: I'm listening! (he acted as if to be with her, while he was thinking of a way to turn her down).

Ichinose: Also we're not even officially dating cause I don't know your home your background anything about you... Can you tell me more about yourself

Gojo: (He hates when people pry into his life, and in her case, its because he never truly loved her so it was just like any other regular person asking about his personal life)... (exhales) Uhm I don't think that will be appropriate here, you know what I mean, right?

Ichinose: Oh yeah you're right, I got carried away, sorry, Uhm so where can we have this discussion?

...(the waitress comes in with their orders. Then she notices Gojo without his blindfolds or sunglasses, her face became reddier than ripe tomatoes. He was extremely breathe taking and alluring, she was stammering while speaking, so
Ichinose looked at her with a disgusted face).

Waitress: (notices the face of the man's 'girlfriend, sister or wife what ever she was to him') I'm so sorry ma'am! (She arranged their meal and quietly leaves, she felt embarrassed).

Gojo: oh my gosh! take a chill-pill she was just admiring! (starts digging into his meal).

Ichinose: (exhales) sorry about that... (she also started to eat too).

Gojo: So you were saying? (he knew she just wasn't right for him).

Ichinose: Just forget that part, the bottom line is that, I just wanted to let you know that I love you so so much Gojo, I can't think straight, cause of my love for you and I won't be able to live well, until you tell me you love me.

Gojo: Uhm about that! I've been wanting to say this for long now, but I haven't gotten the chance to, I'm so sorry but I-I don't feel the same way (he said so, slowly and in the most pleading and calm way possible).

Ichinose: (her countenance changed and she drops her spoon, as his words hit her like bullets) No-no please you can't-

Gojo: besides, (leans closer) you deserve better, someone who feels the same way about you, who'd love you for who you are-

Ichinose: (she breaks down and starts sobbing like a lost child) bu-but I can't imagine living another week without you Gojo!

Gojo: (exhales) you'll find someone better okay!

Ichinose: how can anyone be better than you Gojo, what are you even saying? just give me a chance, I'll do anything to satisfy you and make you happy (still sobbing).

Gojo: (exhales and shakes his head in disapproval in a calm state)...

Ichinose: No, no-no you can't do this to me Gojo please I beg of you!

Gojo: I'm sorry it had to end this way, and I'm sorry I got your hopes high only to turn them down, and I'll do anything in my power to make it up to you, that is except dating you.

Ichinose: No (coughs while sobbing).

Gojo: Okay, uhm here! (hands over to her, a small box from his pocket) we could still be friends, and call me if you need help in anything, alright?

Ichinose: (still sobbing no answer)...

Gojo: (stands up leans forward and kisses her in the forehead. Then he signals the waitress and to come and then he paid for the food).

Ichinose: (she felt ashamed as the waitress approached them cause she had acted like a dick to her, and now she got herself served hot breakfast, and she's crying like an eighth year old)...

Gojo: I'll see you around (as he left).

Ichinose: (opens the box: it was a bracelet made of diamonds worth over a million yen)... (she taught out loud) and he was wealthy! (broke into tears, as she watched his car leave the place through the glass walls of the restaurant).

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