Part 3, Scene one

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Intro-Warning: This Scene contains some 🔞 contents. You can always skip this chapter if you don't like such content you'll still understand the rest.

(It was 10:30pm Gojo was leaving his apartment after having a bath)

Gojo: (received a text message) "I'm waiting!"(texts back) "Be there in a sec" "what's your name".

Waitress: (texts) "Ichinose".

Gojo: "I'm Satoru".

Ichinose: (a while later she looked at her self in the mirror as she combed at hair. She had put on a very sexy bikini-like dress that exposed her properly. Hears her door bell ring) I'm coming! (Sprays some perfume and heads to the living room and opens the entrance door of the apartment).

Gojo: (gazes at her with his blue eyes, they where as clear as crystals, and they were like a reflection of the sky and the sea converging together.) Hi Ichinose!

Ichinose: (Bites her lips lost in his hypnosis pulling on her dress where her big boob's goggled out as though they wanted to Burst through the clothes, she was wearing due to the size of them) Hello!

Gojo: (leans and bends forward from the door to meet her height and then whispers to her ears in a very deep seductive tone) is my order ready yet?

Ichinose: Why of course! Come get it! (she steps back a bit from door allowing him to enter).

Gojo: (holds her from the waist and yanks the door shut with his leg)... (then he started planting kisses from her neck to her face. He found her lips with is tongue and slipped his tongue into her mouth then rolled his tongue with hers tasting her then he proceeded to her ear and bit her ear lobe)

Ichinose: uh! (giving a soft moan)

Gojo: (licks her collar bone around her neck and kissed her down from the middle of them and nibbles between her boob's through her cloths, then he peeled off the upper part exposing her boobs, then he decended on one on the right like a hungry lion sucking and biting her nipples).

Ichinose: oh uh huh! (she moaned as he devoured her. His breath was warm and it felt really good as it sent electric sparks of pleasure down to her clit).

Gojo: (He changed to the next and repeated the same routine. He then held her kissing her and inhaling her scent, claiming her) I love your scent Ichinose! (stopped he looked up from her body to her eyes, his eyes meeting her gaze as if asking something).

Ichinose: Shit! I fucking need you in me right now, let's go to my room! (as they entered her room he continued kissing her walking her backwards till the back of her legs met the bed. Then she helped him to unbutton his shirt and damn! He had this well-toned detailed body she felt as to run her fingers though his muscles but he put her to the bed once his shirt was completely off).

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