chapter 2 : the end of the 2th war 2/2

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Extern poV :

Shoto had enough Time to protect him, his father and his mother with his ice ans in the same Time prevented the blow to hurt his sibling...
But..not toya

-T..Toya ? Say enji shocked in disbelieve. He don't want to believe it. He don't want to believe that he couldn't help his son again! Scream natsuo while sobing hard. He don't want to lose his brother, not After he just learn he was alive

Fuyumi and rei was crying in each other arms meanwhile shoto was crying and cursing all for one treating to take revenge on him.

Even if toya had tryed to kill him and his family, he still his Big brother

Enji and shoto swear they will arrest afo for what he did even if he hurt theirself more they already are.They swear on their live.

Thanks you to have read this chapter💖

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