chapter 3 : After the war.

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shoto poV:

That It. The war Is over. All for one Is no more. Toga has been found unconscious with Ochako in Her arms, Spinner ans shigaraki has been arrested.

For toya... After the war Is over, enji used his place of n1 Heroes to take toya to the hospital. At the moment we still don't know anything about his conditions.

All Heroes who have been at the war Is in the hospital , all my class is in the hospital like me .

My fight with toya has hurt me a lot the flame of toya is Much power full than me, He has a lot of experience and just his quirk is more power full and He was also trained by enji before me

Natsuo won't stop crying. Fuyumi cry silently. Mom is prying, dad stare into Space and I won't stop sobbing, to tell the true I don't thing toya will survive.

Nobody Can survivre being blow from the inside even if he survivre he won't last long, his body is 99% burned by his quirk

But... I still pry for a miracle, I want to learn my Big brother, I want to make up for the Lost Time we was apart.

All my non-heroes family is in the hospital to get treating for their injuries
Me and dad are in a hospital bed, with burn, cuts and more

I was talking to mom try to calm her. When suddenly a doctor come in the room calling for us to listen to him
-todoroki-san something happening to toya todoroki..he...

To be continue 💖

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