Chapitre 6 : thing toya love

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Natsuo poV:

it's been 1 months more after the start of school.

While fuyumi, shoto and I was walking in the mall center

We was searching a place to eat.

This morning fuyumi-nee chan, shoto and i have decided to go to the mall to spend time between sibling and to buy flower and gift for toya for when he wake up.

when we passed by a katsudon shop i suddenly stop

Flash Back:

natsuo: 8 years old, Touya: 13 years old

-Ne ne toya-nii~ say a eight years old natsuo at his older brother

-Hum.. yes natsu ? say a thirteen years old toya while helping natsuo to do his homework

-if you have to choose only one food to eat forever which one you will choose?

Toya suddenly stop what he was doing and stay silent meaning he was thinking

-Hummmmm. Hummed toya thinking deeply

-Well~~~ask natsuo curious

-Probably katsudon because this is my favorite meal and you ?

natsuo was taken by surprise not expect his brother to ask him this too

-hummm. hummed natsuo not knowing what to say

while looking at natsuo, toya giggle at the face of his little brother

-Cold soba ! say natsuo

- like shoto! say toya while giggle at the similarity of his two little brother

-Yeah because shoto is my baby brother and he taking it from me ! exclame natsuo with a big smile

-your a amazing big brother natsuo. say toya with a smile

-No sense! your are the best of the best big brother of the world! exclame natuso confident in himself while hugging toya

-hehehe~ thank natsu. said toya while hugging natsuo back

-but this will not help you to escape from you homework natsuo. Continue toya while smirking

-WHAT nooooo. cried natsuo dramatically

end of the flash back

good memories. think natsuo while smiling sadly

-what the matter nii- san ? say shoto confuse on the why natsuo suddenly stop in front of a katsudon shop

-Oh nothing, i just remembered that katsudon is toya's favorite dish. say natsuo his eyes not leaving the shop

-oh yeah i remember toya used to cook this often after mom got send to the hospital. say fuyumi while smiling at the memory

-yeah he even cooked cold soba for shoto and me because he knew it's was our's favorite dish. exclaim natsuo with stars in his eyes

-He did ? ask shoto not remembering this

-Yeah you used to eat a lot of bowl so good it's was. answer fuyumi giggled at he memorie

-huh but i was never a bit eater. say shoto a bit shock

-Yes but trust me when he cook , this is delicious. say natsuo proudly

fuyumi giggle at his brother natsuo

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