Chapter 5: Hospital

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Natsuo poV :

It's been two weeks since Toya-nii has been unconscious, The doctor milya had said his body need a lot of time to adjust to breath, having his heart to beat on his own and to get enough energie to wake up after eight years of not be able to control his own body

While this time pass shoto a been with his classmates because classes have started today.

Fuyumi is in her work in a elementary school

Mom has been spending her time next to toya's hospital bed

Enji returned to work as the first hero of japan 

and i have to go back to college for my study as a future doctor

Doctor milya had said he will wake up between one month to one year but there is a possibility that he will never wake up...

i am very stressed, i really don't want to lose my brother for real this time..

Shoto poV

it's been two week since toya-nii san has been unconscious. Today is the day i have to go back to school.

I'm on my way to go to UA with my boyfriends izuku midoriya and katsuki bakugo when suddenly kat asked me something

-Sho, What happen to your brother toya ? ask kat curious

-... shoto stay silent not knowing if he can tell this and how to explain because he still a little confused

-sho-kun are you ok ? ask zuzu worried

-... I'm fine it's just don't know how to explain that, this is very complicated...

-huh what do you mean...? ask zuzu more worried as kat come to hug me

-do you remember what happened to lady nagant while you was fighting her  

-...Yeah ? afo has make her explode to make her disappear say zuzu sad

hearing the name of AFO made me furious

-His bast**d of AFO have do the same to my brother...

-HUH?! yell kat surprised 

-And not only he had tried to rid of him, we have learn he has been manipulated since the start by This basta**d of AFO. And now toya-nii san is unconscious and we don't know when he will wake up or if he will ever wake up

i started to tear up as i said that


Zuzu hug me as i cry between the shoulder of kat and zuzu

-i am sure he will wake up. you only need to believe in him i'm sure he will be happy if you believe in him till the end

-you are right, i have to believe in him... thank you for being here for me kat, zuzu.

-Always sho/ sho kun. say the both in the same time smiling

- I really Hope he will wake up soon

- I also Hope your brother will wake up soon and be alright. Say zuzu doing his Sunny smile who made us fall in love with him once more

Kat and me begin to kiss his cute face while he laugh so cutely.

gosh we are really a simp for him...

After that we continued our way to UA while talking about our week-end

I am really happy to have them as my partners 💖

Toya nii please wake up soon, let me introduce you to my Friends and my two lovely boyfriends

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